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《灵界经历》 第5794节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5794

5794. Christians live in outward appearance like another: they can become rich, but not through cunning or evil practices; they can eat and drink well, but not put their life in these things and not find enjoyment in excess, or drunkenness as well, this is enjoying self-indulgence; they can reside in comfort and, depending on their status, in magnificence; they can socialize with others as others do, entertain themselves with them, chat about things going on in the world, household matters; in a word, [they live] without any difference in outward matters, to such an extent that they do not appear to be any different. Nor they have need to appear devout, with a sad-looking face, head bowing, and sighing, but rather glad and cheerful; nor do they need to give their possessions to the poor, other than so far as an affection for the neighbor leads them to do so.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5794

5794. (A Christian lives as anyone else in external form: he may grow rich, but not by craft and trickery; he may eat and drink well, but not place his very life in those things, and find his delight in superfluities and also in drunkenness, that is, live for appetite; he may be well, and even, according to his condition, handsomely, housed; he may associate with others, like other men, amuse himself in their society; discuss the affairs of the world and the various things in domestic matters: in a word, without any difference in externals, to such an extent that no difference is apparent. Neither is it necessary that he should appear devout, so as [to go about] as it were with a sorrowful countenance, and with shaking head, and with sighing; but that he be cheerful and merry; nor [need he] give his goods to the poor, except so far as the affection of the neighbor prompts him.

Experientiae Spirituales 5794 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5794. Christianus vivit in externa forma sicut alius: potest ditescere, sed non cum astu et arte mala, potest bene edere et bibere, sed non in illis ponere ipsum vitam, et [non] delectari superfluis, et quoque ebrietate, hoc est vivere genio, potest bene habitare, et secundum conditionem suam magnifice; potest conversari cum aliis sicut alii, ludere cum illis, confabulari de rebus mundi, de variis in domesticis; verbo absque omni differentia in externis; usque ut non appareat discrimen; nec opus habet, ut devotus appareat, ut quasi tristi facie, et capite nutante, et gemens, sed ut laetus et hilaris; nec dare sua pauperibus, nisi quantum illum ducit affectio proximi: debet

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