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《灵界经历》 第5806节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5806

5806. The nature of the fantasies in hell

All the things that appear in the hells are unreal, but they appear as if they are real because those who are in hell are living in fantasies and not in thought flowing from faith. This was shown to me in a nocturnal vision. I saw something changed into a person who was annoying me somewhat, and I wanted to get away from him. But it was granted me to sense that it was not as it appeared. But still, I saw him as clearly and plainly, and I noticed [him], as it were, just as if in wakefulness. I prayed to the Lord for help, that I might be freed. Then it was said to me from heaven that it was a fantasy; and yet I believed [it], but because it appeared just as in the light of day. I was amazed. In a little while I awoke, and from this experience was enabled to know the nature of the fantasy those have who are in hell.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5806


All things which appear in the hells are non-real, but they appear as it were real, because those there are themselves in phantasy, and not in thought from faith. This was shown to me in a night-vision. I saw something changed into a man, who infested me somewhat, and I wanted to be separated from him; and it was given me to observe that it was not real; but, still, I saw it most clearly and manifestly, and I was conscious of it, as it were, just as in wakefulness. I prayed to the Lord for help that I might be liberated. It was then said to me, out of heaven, that it was phantasy, and I still believed; but I was astonished, because it appeared as it were in day. A little while afterwards, I awoke; and from this it was given me to know what the phantasy with those who are in hell is.

Experientiae Spirituales 5806 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5806. De phantasia qualis in inferno

Omnia quae apparent in infernis non realia sunt, sed apparent sicut realia, quia ipsi in phantasia sunt, et non in cogitatione ex fide, hoc mihi ostensum est in visione noctis, vidi aliquem mutatum in hominem, qui me aliquantum infestabat, et volui separari ab eo, et datum est appercipere quod non ita esset, sed usque tam clare et evidenter videbam illum, et appercipiebam quasi sicut ut vigilia, oravi ad Dominum de ope, ut liberarer, tunc dictum mihi est e coelo, quod phantasia esset, et usque credebam sed quia apparebat sicut in die, miratus sum; post paulo in vigiliam veni, et inde scire datum est qualis phantasia est illis qui in inferno.

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