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《灵界经历》 第5811节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5811

5811. About the Idea of the Divine

The idea of the Divine joins things together because it goes into heaven where everything is Divine; and the idea of the Divine is gotten from Divine Truths implanted in affection, thus in a person's more inward regions, the more genuine truths implanted are, the fuller the idea of the Divine is. Without Divine truths in a person's idea, there is no idea of the Divine Itself.

[5811] 1/2. A certain one (it was Dahlborg 1) said that he had looked for but not found anyone who had an idea of the Divine Human. However, he was then taken to those who for the most part came from converted gentiles who had an idea of the Divine Human, and from Africans who had such a correct idea that it was beyond belief. On this account he loudly said that there were whole tracts [of them], and they were in heaven among the happy. He was led through many, many tracts above and below, and was also granted an inflow from the higher heavens, where all have this idea.


1. See footnoted information on him in passage 5031.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5811


The idea about the Divine conjoins, because it enters heaven, where everything Divine is; and the idea of the Divine is possessed from Divine truths implanted in affection, thus the man's interiors. The greater the number of genuine truths implanted, the fuller is the idea of the Divine. Apart from Divine truths in a man's idea, there exists no idea of His [i.e. the Lord's] Divine.

5811a. One said (it was Dahlborg 1who said it), that he had sought, but did not find, anyone who possessed the idea of a Divine Human; but he was then conveyed over to those who had the idea of a Divine Human, who consisted for the most part of converted Gentiles, and also of Africans, who had one so just as to exceed belief: wherefore, he said aloud that there were entire regions of them, and they were in heaven among the happy. He was carried through many regions, higher up and lower down; and there was also granted him an influx out of the superior heavens, where all are in that idea.


1. Dahlborg - though Dr. Kahl says the correct spelling is Dalborg - was a Swedish clergyman, who at one time enjoyed great celebrity for his oratorical gifts. He was suspected of Pietistic tendencies. -TR.

Experientiae Spirituales 5811 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5811. De Idea Divini

Idea Divini conjungit, quia intrat coelum, ubi omne Divinum est, et idea Divini habetur ex Divinis Veris implantatis affectioni sic interioribus hominis, quantum plura genuina vera implantata sunt, eo idea Divini plenior est; absque Divinis veris in idea hominis, non datur idea Ipsius Divini.

[5[811] 1/2. Dixit quidam, erat Dahlborg, qui dixit quod quaesiverit, sed non invenerit aliquem qui ideam Divini Humani haberet, sed tunc translatus est illos qui quoad maximam partem erant ex gentibus conversis, qui ideam Divini Humani habebant ex Africanis qui tam justam ut excederet fidem, quare dixit alte, quod integri tractus essent illi in coelo inter felices. Perlatus est per tractus perplures supra infra quoque dabatur ei influxus ex coelis superioribus, ubi omnes in illa idea.

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