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《灵界经历》 第5812节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5812

5812. About the destroyed Babylon and an inundation

About present day Nephilim

There were, from the Papal religion in the western region toward the north, those who abysmally and savagely treated everyone who did not want to worship them as gods. I pass over their impieties, certain [5207ff.] have been described above. They had their emissaries everywhere, and they were trying to seduce anyone they could by going up to higher positions from which they could look out on lower things and govern; and wherever they found a diabolical spirit in the world of spirits, they attached themselves to him and worked their evils.

[2] They have many more tricks than can be described. But before their deceits and cruelties reached their peak, or rather, were finished, they were destroyed in various ways. They were constantly being thrown into hell, but their number still kept increasing from day to day; and they kept on so stubbornly that they never wanted to stop. They saw the hells ahead and the torments. They were warned that such a lot is theirs. They saw many thousands of their own hurled there and tormented, yet it was in vain. They saw their building overturned several times, but still they did nothing. They were so stubbornly wicked from self-love. Eventually the last judgment came upon them, and they were inundated by a flood of water, and all, up to myriads, were sunk into hells; likewise those of the same sort who had gone off into higher places in the northern region were also inundated. Certain of them were hurled into the hell where the Nephilim are, because they are similar to them. Certain of them appear bald, certain with hair. Those were bald who were deeply involved in evil; those had hair who were entirely involved in falsities.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5812


In the western quarter, towards the north, were some from the Papal religiosity, who were the worst of all, and who miserably and savagely treated all who were not willing to acknowledge them as deities. I pass by their atrocities: some of which have been described before. They had their emissaries everywhere, who endeavored to seduce all whomsoever they could, by betaking themselves above the higher places, from which they could look forth upon the lower ones and rule; and, wherever they came upon any diabolical spirit in the world of spirits, they adjoined themselves to him and wrought evils. Their arts are more numerous than can be described. Before their deceits and cruelties, however, came to a height, or were consummated, they were destroyed in various, ways and immediately cast down into hells. But their number still increased, for days and they held out with such stubbornness that they would never leave off. They saw hells and torments before them. They were warned that such a lot awaits them. They saw those of their own number cast out, up to many thousands, and tormented; but all in vain. Several times, the surface where they dwelt was overturned; but still they took no notice; such obstinate wickedness, from the love of self, were they in. At length, the Last Judgment came upon them, and they were overflowed as with waters, and were all plunged in the hells, even to myriads. In like manner, those of the same sort who were in the higher places went away into the northern quarter. They, also, were overflowed. Some of them were cast into the hell where the Nephilim are, because they are like them. Some of them appear bald; some hairy all over. The ones who were bald were those who were inmostly in evils; the ones who were hairy, those who were wholly in falsities.

Experientiae Spirituales 5812 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5812. De destructa Babylonia et inundatione

De Nephilim hodiernis

Fuerunt ex religioso Pontificio in plaga occidentali ad septentrionalem, qui omnium pessimi, qui misere et saevissime tractaverunt omnes, qu se non voluerunt agnoscere pro diis, nefanda eorum praetereo, quaedam prius [5207 seqq.] descripta sunt, illi ubivis habuerunt suos emissarios, et conantes seducere omnes quotcunque possent, conferendo se super altiora, e quibus prospicere possent inferiora, et regere, et ubicunque invenerunt aliquem diabolicum spiritum in mundo spirituum, ei se adjunxerunt, et mala intulerunt, artes eorum sunt plures quam ut describi possint; sed antequam eorum doli, et saevitiae ad summum venerunt seu consummatae sunt, variis modis destructi sunt, continue dejecti in inferna, sed numerus eorum usque indies succrevit, et perstabant tali contumacia, ut nusquam desistere vellent, videbant ante inferna, et cruciatus, denuntiabatur illis quod talis sors sit illis, viderunt conjectos illuc ex suis ad plura millia, et cruciatos, sed usque incassum, aliquoties superficies eorum evertebatur, sed usque nihil faciebant, tali contumaci malitia fuerunt ex amore sui, tandem ultimum judicium super illos venit, et inundabantur sicut aquis, et immergebantur omnes infernis ad myriades, similiter ex eadem sorte illi qui in editiora abiverint in plaga septentrionali, etiam inundabantur; quidam eorum conjecti sunt in infernum ubi Nephilim, quia similes illis. Quidam eorum apparent calvi quidam prorsus hirsuti; qui calvi fuerunt qui intime in malis, qui hirsuti qui prorsus in falsis.

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