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《灵界经历》 第5813节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5813

5813. The following day there was a flood over a large area of the northern part, and it swept on for a while into the west. And all there who were involved were engulfed because they were unwilling to desist from attacking the Divine, having been incited by a Papal gang. Even some of the small mountains were submerged, which resulted in its no longer being possible to climb the mountains or to take a path over the mountains and be carried away, but they went directly into the hells from which they were.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5813

5813. The following day, there occurred, over a great part of the northern part, a flood, which proceeded somewhat to the east, and immersed all there who were in evils; for they would not desist from fighting against the Divine. It commenced from the Papal crew. Some mountain-dwellers also were immersed. It is not permitted them any longer to ascend the mountains, from where they are, or to traverse the path over the mountains and be borne away; but they immediately entered into the hells whence they came.

Experientiae Spirituales 5813 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5813. Sequente die fiebat inundatio super multam partem partis septentrionalis, quae pergebat aliquantisper in occidentem, et immergebantur omnes ibi qui in malis, nam desistere non voluerunt oppugnare Divinum, incitati a turba Pontificia. Etiam quidam monticuli demersi sunt, unde non datum ibi amplius est scandere montes, seu viam ire super montes et auferri, sed statim intrarunt in inferna unde erant.

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