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《灵界经历》 第5848节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5848

5848. About those who reason about whether truths are true, they do not advance from the first threshold of wisdom

There are those who reason about whether truths are true or not. When one speaks and reasons about a matter on the basis of his own knowledge and on the basis of his own confirmations, the other does likewise; each of the two on the basis of his confirmations believes his own dictum to be true. Thus both stand still, each confirming his own and refuting the other's, for all falsity can be confirmed so as to appear to be true. As a result they come to a stop and cannot go further. But those who are in possession of truths as are the heavenly angels do not reason about them but see them and so progress from a single truth to a thousand others and see them. These truths that flow from a single one and are derivatives appear incomprehensible and ineffable when heard by the spiritual [angels], because they do not have the truth in regard to the subject in the way the heavenly angel did.

One, who imagined the spiritual to be equally as wise as those because they could speak the same way as to visible external things and describe them, was therefore sent off

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5848


There are those who reason about truths, whether a thing is so, or not. In this case, one speaks and reasons about a subject from his own science, and from his own store of confirmations; another, in like manner, undoubtingly believes his dictum to be the truth; thus, both hold out in confirming their own and in refuting the other's, for every falsity can be confirmed so as to appear like truth. Hence, they are at a standstill; nor are they able to advance farther. But, whoever is in truths, as are the celestial angels, does not reason about them, but sees them; and, consequently, they advance from one truth to a thousand others, and see them. The latter, which flow, and are derived, from the former, when heard by the spiritual [angels], appear as incomprehensible and ineffable matters, inasmuch as they are not in the truth which is the subject - as was a celestial angel, who supposed the spiritual to be as wise as the celestial, since they were able to speak in a similar way about visible external [objects] and to describe them:

Experientiae Spirituales 5848 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5848. De illis qui ratiocinantur de veris num ita sit, quod non ex primo limine sapientiae veniant

Qui ratiocinantur de veris num ita sit vel non, tunc quisque loquitur et ratiocinatur de re ex sua scientia, et ex suis confirmativis, alter similiter, uterque ex confirmationibus credit suum effatum verum esse, ita subsistunt ambo in confirmando sua et in refutando alterius, nam omne falsum potest confirmari ut appareat sicut verum, inde subsistunt nec possunt ulterius progredi; at qui in veris est, ut sunt angeli coelestes, non ratiocinantur de illis, sed vident illa, et sic progrediuntur ab uno vero ad mille alia, et vident illa, haec quae inde fluunt et derivata sunt, cum audiuntur a spiritualibus, apparent ut incomprehensibilia, et ineffabilia, quia non sunt in vero quod subjectum in quali erat angelus coelestis, qui putabat spirituales aeque sapere ac illi, quia loqui potuerunt similiter ac aspectabilibus externis, et describere illa, quare demissus

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