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《灵界经历》 第5849节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5849

5849. to those who were reasoning about truths, and he listened. He then said that he never could have believed that there was such darkness in them, he wanted to say insanity, because they did not see any truth at all, not the least bit of truth. And then for the first time, from experience he realized what the nature of the difference is, and from this he also knew the difference of the happiness of the heavenly [angels], that it comes from wisdom, and of the happiness of spirits, that it comes from reasoning. 1The enjoyment they had from reasoning was communicated to a heavenly angel, and he then said their enjoyment was so absurd that he could not be describe it. But it was said that this is their enjoyment and all are left to their own enjoyment. From this he realized the nature of happiness's distinguishing characteristic. It was asked whether those like this could take in wisdom when among those who are wise, as many do, and it was said that this happens to the extent they are in a state of goodness. When they are kept in this goodness, and while their confirmed false beliefs are sleeping, this then miraculously happens. From this it is evident what the nature of Christians today is:


1. At this point in the margin are the words, spiritual faith, heavenly"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5849

5849. wherefore, he was let down to those who thus reasoned about truths, and heard them. He then said that he would never have believed there was such darkness with them: he wanted to say, insanity, because he saw nothing of truth, not even any little speck of truth. And then he perceived, for the first time, by experience, what is the distinction; so that he could also know the distinction of the happiness of the celestial, from wisdom, and of spirits, from reasoning. 1The delight of the latter, from reasoning, was communicated to the celestial angel; and he then said that their delight was so silly that he could not describe it; but it was remarked, that it was their delight, and each must be left to his own delight. Hence he perceived the difference of happiness. Inquiry was made, whether such are able to receive wisdom among the wise, as many do and it was said, that, so far as they are in good, when they are kept in that good, and when, in the meantime, confirmed falsities are laid asleep, which also occurs in a miraculous way, [they are able].


1. In the margin: "Spiritual Faith - Celestial"

Experientiae Spirituales 5849 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5849. est ad illos qui ratiocinabantur ita de veris, et audivit, is tunc dixit, quod nusquam crediderit quod talis obscuritas illis esset, voluit dicere insania, quia ne hilum veri videbant, ne quidem aliquid minutum ex vero, 1

et tunc primum per experientiam percepit, quale discrimen est, ut quoque sciret discrimen felicitatis coelestium ex sapientia, et spirituum ex ratiocinatione, communicabatur coelesti angelo jucundum illorum ex ratiocinatione, et tunc dixit, quod jucundum illorum esset ita absurdum, ut describere non posset, sed dictum est, quod id illorum jucundum sit, et quisque relinquatur suo jucundo, inde percepit discrimen felicitatis. Quaesitum num tales inter sapientes recipere possint sapientiam, ut multi, et dictum quod quantum in bono sunt, cum tenentur in illo bono, et cum sopiuntur interea falsa confirmata, quod tunc fit miraculose: inde patuit quales hodie sunt


1. Sidebar: spiritualis fides, coelestis

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