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《灵界经历》 第5850节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5850

5850. They divide Churches by truths and argue about them, and do not concern themselves with goodness, in particular it is most of the learned there who are like this. But still the same are able to grasp truths when they turn to those who possess truths and speak with them from mental imagery, [but] not however when they are not speaking from mental imagery.ؗhen those who are spiritual are speaking in this way, they are nevertheless not possessed by their fantasies, 1but if they are immersed in evil, then, when they are let into their inner thoughts and come into hell, they are in their fantasies, because they then present their falsities in forms that appear as if they are realities, when nevertheless they are mockeries. Everyone there who has falsities believes them to be realities. But the spirit who is dedicated to goodness, if he sees them is astounded. There was a certain one who had convinced himself against the unification of the Churches on the basis of the goodness of caring for others, because he was against syncretism. But it was said to him that if as his starting point he took a syncretism based on faith's truths, and a differentiation of the Churches based on these as the starting point, he would never come to light; but that it would be otherwise if he were to take the goodness of caring for others as the starting point; he would then come to light, which, also, by light infused about goodness, he did acknowledge. It was Pastor Wolf. 2


1. Sic ms. Also at this point in the margin are the words, ԓhown to a heavenly angel by looking into societies like this, where a beautiful color like a rainbow was seen coming from them"

2. Probably Johan Christoph Wolf, pastor in Hamburg.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5850

5850. Hence was manifest of what quality Christians at this day are, by this: that they distinguish Churches according to truths, and dispute about those, and do not trouble about good, namely, that the majority of the learned, there, are of such a quality. Still, however, the same ones are able to perceive truths when they are turned to those who are in truths, and speak with them from ideas; but not, when not from ideas. When the spiritual thus speak, they are still not in phantasies 1; but if they are in evil, then, when they are let into their interiors and come into hell, they are in phantasies; for, then, their falsities stand forth in forms which appear as if real, when, nevertheless, they are illusions. Everyone there who is in falsities, believes those things to be realities; but he who is in good, if he should see them, would stand aghast. There was a certain one who confirmed himself against the conjunction of the Churches by virtue of the goods of charity, because [he was] opposed to syncretism. 2But it was told him, that, if he took syncretism 2from the truths of faith as a principle, and distinction of Churches according to them, he would never come into light; but that, on the other hand, if he should take the good of charity for a principle, he would come into light; which, also, by means of infused light concerning good, he confessed. It was Pastor Wolf.


1. In the margin: "Shown to a celestial angel, by looking into such societies, where there appeared thence a beautiful colored object, as it were rainbow-colored."

2. "Syncretism" is the attempt to blend the doctrines of the different Churches into one harmonious whole; See n. 5662, above. -TR.

Experientiae Spirituales 5850 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5850. Christiani, per id quod distinguant Ecclesias secundum vera, et litigent de illis, et non curent bonum, quod nempe plerique ex eruditis ibi tales sint; sed usque possunt iidem percipere vera cum convertuntur ad illos qui in veris sunt, et ex ideis cum illis loquuntur, non autem cum non ex ideis. - Cum spirituales ita loquuntur, usque non sunt in phantasiis, # 1

sed si in malo sunt, tunc cum in interiora sua mittuntur ac in infernum veniunt in phantasiis sunt, nam tunc sistunt falsa sua in formis quae apparent sicut reales, cum tamen sunt ludibria, quisque ibi qui in falsis est, illa credit realia esse, at qui in bono est, si illa videret, obstupesceret - Quidam erat qui se confirmavit contra conjunctionem Ecclesiarum ex bonis charitatis, quia contra syncretismum, sed dictum ei est, quod si pro principio sumit syncretismum ex veris fidei, et distinctionem Ecclesiarum secundum illa, quod nusquam venturus sit in lucem, aliter si sumeret pro principio bonum charitatis, quod venturus esset in lucem, quod etiam per infusam lucem de bono, fassus est, erat Wolfius pastor.


1. Sidebar: # Ostensum angelo coelesti per inspectionem in tales societates, ubi apparuit inde coloratum pulchrum sicut irideum.

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