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《灵界经历》 第5851节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5851

5851. Why the ear symbolizes obedience

The reason the ear symbolizes obedience is because in the case of the heavenly [angels], with whom the inward elements have been opened, all the things they hear about what is true and what is good enters into their will and life, and thus they do them. Consequently those things that enter through the ear are for them matters of obedience. It is otherwise with the spiritual [angels]; the things they hear go into the memory because with them the inward elements have not been opened. The things that enter into life cease to be in the memory; they are as it were inborn and natural; the angels do not know where they come from. It was realized from this that what enters only the eye enters into the understanding and stores itself in the memory, but what enters through the hearing enters into the understanding and at the same time into life, into the understanding because it goes through truths into life.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5851


The reason the ears signify obedience, is, because [with] the Celestial, with whom internals are open, all things which they hear about truths and goods, enter into their will and life, and hence they do them; therefore, those things which enter by the ear are, to them, obedience. With the Spiritual it is otherwise. The things which they hear enter into the memory; because internals are not open with them. Those things which enter the life vanish from the memory; they are as it were implanted and natural things, of which they do not know the source. It was afterwards perceived, that that which enters only by the eye, enters into the understanding and lays itself away in the memory; but those things which enter by hearing, enter into the understanding and at the same time into the life; - into the understanding, because through truths into the life.

Experientiae Spirituales 5851 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5851. Cur auris significat obedientiam

Causa quod auris significet obedientiam, est quia [apud] coelestes, quibus interna aperta sunt, omnia quae de veris et bonis audiunt, intrant in voluntarium et vitam eorum, et inde faciunt illa, sic illa quae intrant per aurem, sunt illis obedientia, aliter apud spirituales, quae audiunt intrant in memoriam, quia interna apud illos non aperta sunt; quae intrant vitam illa pereunt ex memoria, sunt quasi insita et naturalia, quae non sciunt unde. Perceptum dein est, quod id quod intrat modo per oculum, intret in intellectum, ac se reponat in memoria, at quae intrant per auditum, intrant in intellectum et simul in vitam, in intellectum quia per vera in vitam.

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