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《灵界经历》 第5852节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5852

5852. About the Lord, [conversation] with the Babylonians

I have spoken with them several times about the Lord and about His Divine power that they have claimed to themselves, asking whether they can think about the Lord without thinking about His Divine at the same time. At first they believed they could, but it was shown to them that from their doctrine the Divine and His Human were united like soul and body, according to the creed called Athanasius's, specifically that as soul and body make one human being so the Divine and the Human make one Christ, and further that there are not two Divine persons but one. [I asked] therefore whether they could think of a human being without a soul, or whether they could separate these, unless the body were no longer the person's. They were unable to respond to this.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5852


I have often spoken with these about the Lord and about His Divine power, which they have arrogated to themselves, asking whether they are able to think about the Lord without at the same time thinking about His Divine. They at first believed that they could; but they were shown that it was according to the doctrine of their Church that His Divine and Human were so united as are the soul and body, according to the Creed which is called Athanasian; that, namely, like as the soul and body make one man, so the Divine and Human [make] one Christ; and, moreover, that they are not two persons but one: - [I asked] whether, therefore, they are able to think of a man without a soul, or are able to separate it [i.e., the soul], except the body be no longer the man's. To this, they could answer nothing.

Experientiae Spirituales 5852 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5852. De Domino cum Babylonicis

Aliquoties loquutus cum illis de Domino, et de Divina Ipsius potestate quam sibi arrogaverunt, dicens num possint cogitare de Domino absque Divino Ipsius simul, credebant primum quod possent, sed ostensum illis quod ex doctrina eorum esset, quod Divinum et Humanum Ipsius ita unita fuerint sicut anima et corpus, secundum fidem symbolicam, quae vocatur Athanasii, quod nempe sicut anima et corpus faciunt unum hominem, ita Divinum et Humanum unum Christum, et porro quod non sint binae personae, sed una, quare num possint cogitare de homine absque anima, et an possint separare illa, nisi corpus non esset amplius hominis, ad hoc nihil potuerunt re-

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