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《灵界经历》 第5865节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5865

5865. After this he was asked what he now deserved for such malicious actions. He said that nothing could move him to change; he had confidence in his cunning. But he was then ordered to go to that place, and went and was unable to stop. He continued on to the cave into which the first ones had gone, and he passed on further into the west near the north. And then they came out from hell to meet him, and they greeted him and called him a friend. And when he came to a place where there was a fire he went in, thinking he could go out when he wanted, trusting in his own intelligence, but as soon as he went into it, he said that he was completely robbed of his cunning and that he could do absolutely nothing.

In the hells there everyone becomes extremely stupid: the more stupid they are the farther away they are in the west toward the northern line.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5865

5865. After this, he was asked what he now deserved, on account of such grievous wickednesses. He said that he could not at all be dislodged: he trusted in his art. But he, then, was commanded to go to that place; and he went, nor was he able to stop himself. He went on as far as to the cavern into which the former ones entered, and passed beyond into the west, near by the north; and then they came out of hell to meet him, and greeted him and called him friend; and when he came to that [part] where it was fiery, 1he entered there, supposing that he could go out when he wished. He trusted to his intelligence; but, as soon as he entered that place, he said that he was altogether robbed of his arts, and could now do nothing at all. In the hells, there, all become profoundly stupid; and the more stupid, the farther they are removed into the west, near the northern line.


1. See n, 5858, at the end. -TR.

Experientiae Spirituales 5865 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5865. Postea ei dictum, quid nunc meruit pro talibus malitiis, dixit, quod nihil possit moveri, fisus sua arte, sed is tunc jussus ire illuc, et ivit, nec potuit subsistere, pergebat usque ad eorum cavernam in quam intrarunt priores, ac praeteriit in occidentem ulterius juxta septentrionem, et tunc obviam ei venerunt ex inferno, et salutabant eum et vocabant ami108 cum, et cum illuc venit, ubi igneum, ibi intrabat, putans quod exire posset cum vellet, fisus sua intelligentia, sed ut primum illuc intravit, dixit quod suis artibus prorsus spoliatus sit, et quod nihil prorsus nunc posset: in infernis ibi fiunt omnes stupidissimi, eo stupidiores quo remotius in occidentem ad septentrionalem lineam.

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