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《灵界经历》 第587节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 587

587. Moreover, when I was in bed, they did not want me to turn over facing the wall, but wanted me always to look forward, that is, away from the wall. And when I said that it was not possible in this case, because I had to lie on both sides for the sake of rest, they said that this was done by their people by completely turning over end for end, and rapidly, for they want to look outward, because they believe the Lord to be there. This has also often happened to me before, but I did not yet know the cause of it, namely, that spirits of this kind were acting with the others in a group.

1748, the 28th day of January.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 587

587. Moreover, when I was in bed, they were unwilling that I should turn myself towards the wall, but wanted me always to look forwards, thus away from the wall. When I said this could not be done here because for the sake of rest I ought to lie on both sides, they said that they did this by a complete and hasty turning over, for they want to look forward, because they suppose that the Lord is there. This has also often happened to me before, but I did not until now know the cause, namely, that similar spirits were acting in common with others. 1748, Jan. 28.

Experientiae Spirituales 587 (original Latin 1748-1764)

587. Praeterea, dum in lecto essem, non volebant ut converterem me versus parietem lecti, sed vellent, ut spectarem semper antrorsum, sic a pariete, quod cum dicerem hic non 1

posse fieri, quia in utroque latere quietis causa decumbere debeam, dicebant id a suis fieri per totalem conversionem, et festinam, nam antrorsum volunt spectare, quia 2

ibi Dominum esse autumant, quod etiam antea mihi obvenit saepe, sed causam nondum scivi, quod nempe similes spiritus agerent in communi cum aliis. 1748, die 28 Jan.


1. imperfectum in the Manuscript

2. imperfectum in the Manuscript, forte pro qui

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