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《灵界经历》 第5871节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5871

5871. About the state after the last judgment as regards spirits

Heavenly societies have been formed according to all of the kinds and types of the affections of good and of truth, most distinctly, and likewise the corresponding societies of hell. All spirits, after being purged are led along paths tending to societies of their life, that is, to those corresponding to their inward parts, and it is not permitted to veer off elsewhere and linger in other places, still less to form societies around their life of outward appearances as they did earlier.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5871


Societies of heaven were formed, according to all the genera and all the species of the affections of good and of truth most accurately distinguished; and, likewise, corresponding infernal societies. All spirits, before they are vastated, are now conducted along through paths leading to the societies of their life, that is, those which correspond to their interiors; nor are they allowed to turn aside in any other direction, and tarry in other places; much less to form to themselves societies according to life in externals, as formerly.

Experientiae Spirituales 5871 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5871. De statu post ultimum judicium quoad spiritus

Sunt formatae societates coeli secundum omnia genera et omnes species affectionum boni et veri, distinctissime, et quoque societates infernales correspondentes: omnes spiritus, postquam vastati sunt, nunc perducuntur per vias tendentes ad societates vitae eorum hoc est interioribus eorum correspondentes, nec licet aliunde divertere, et morari in aliis locis, minus formare sibi societates secundum vitam in externis, ut prius.

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