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《灵界经历》 第5873节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5873

5873. It was found that those who inwardly are evil want to turn aside and stay in places where below there are good [spirits] who are being attacked, because their inward desires act as one with the attackers, and it is their delight to be together with them and do evil to the good. This delight is ingrained in them, so they feel good as soon as they are above them. They don't know where this delight comes from, but it is the delight of doing evil. They had wanted to go there for a long time, only grudgingly allowing themselves to be led away by routes farther from the attacking spirits. The fact that they want to linger there above, where they experience delight in doing evil, has been shown to me by much experience. They perceived that I too was being hurt by the evil, and then at such times they always wanted to be there above and were forcefully compelled to withdraw from there. In short, they all now, taking their own ways, bend their course to their own societies. So they are not allowed to linger and form any kind of heaven for themselves overhead.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5873

5873. It was ascertained that those who are interiorly evil, want to turn aside and tarry in places under which are those who infest the good; for their interiors make one with the infesters, and their delight is to be together with them and to injure the good. This latter delight is ingrained in them wherefore, they perceive delight as soon as they are above infesters. Whence the delight is, they do not know; but it is the delight of inflicting injury. They had this craving for a long time, nor did they suffer themselves, except reluctantly, to be conducted along paths away from those [infesting spirits]. That they wish to remain in that part where they are sensible of the delight of doing mischief, underneath, has been proved to me by much experience. They perceived that I was annoyed by the evil; and, then, they always wanted to be above that place, and were compelled, by force, to retire from it. In a word, all now proceed by their own ways to their own societies: thus, it is not allowed to tarry and form to themselves any [semblance] of heaven, overhead.

Experientiae Spirituales 5873 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5873. Compertum est, quod illi qui interius mali sunt, devertere velint et commorari in locis ubi infra sunt boni qui infestantur, interiora enim eorum unum agunt cum infestatoribus, et jucundum illis est una cum illis esse, et malefacere bonis, hoc jucundum illis inest, quapropter jucundum percipiunt ut primum sunt supra illos, jucundum non sciunt unde, sed est jucundum malefaciendi; illuc cupiverunt diu, nec se perduci passi sunt nisi aegre per vias remotas ab illis, quod morari ibi velint ubi supra sentiunt jucundum malefaciendi, per multam experientiam mihi ostensum est, percipiebant quod laederer etiam [a] malis, et tunc semper ibi supra esse volebant, et coacti sunt vi inde recedere; verbo omnes nunc per suas vias tendunt ad societates suas, ita non licet morari et aliquid coeli sibi supra formare.

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