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《灵界经历》 第5887节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5887

5887. The nature of those who are like [them], Abr[aham] Schonstrom 1

Many of these were seen and recognized, most of them above the head, a little to the back, and they were detected by the fact that as soon as they noticed any who wanted to commit adultery spiritually, they coupled with them and set the obscene filth of adultery in their hand. Therefore, as often as they did this they were thrown out into their hell. They were such that they were accepted into the company of upright spirits wherever they went because as to their outward appearance and speech they did not appear to be like this. Nonetheless, they were detected by the pleasure they took in doing evil with whomever they happened to be, for they made a show of outward civility. Prior to this they were also seen to have the ability to dart from place to place, from one height to another by fantasies.


1. Abraham Daniel Schonstrom (1692ֱ758), son of Swedenborg's paternal uncle Peter Schonstrom.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5887


Many of these were seen and noticed, the greatest part above the head slightly to the back; and they were found out by this, that, as soon as they observed any who wished to commit adultery, spiritually, they conjoined themselves with them, and brought the filthiness of adultery close at hand: wherefore, as many as did so were cast forth into their hell. They were such, that, wherever they came, they were received into the company of the upright; because, as respects external appearance and speech, they did not appear to be such, but still they were found out by their taking pleasure in inflicting harm upon all persons whatsoever; for the politeness they displayed was merely exterior. It was previously seen, also, that they were able, by means of phantasies, to hurl themselves from place to place, from one height to another.

Experientiae Spirituales 5887 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5887. Quales qui similes, Abr. Schonstrom

Plures ex illis visi et appercepti, plerumque supra caput paululum a tergo, et detecti per id quod ut primum animadvertebant aliquos qui spiritualiter adulterari vellent, conjungerent se illis, et inferrent spurcum adulterii in manum, quare totidem ejecti sunt in suum infernum, erant tales ut reciperentur in consortiis proborum, ubicunque venirent, quia quoad externam apparentiam et loquelam non apparebant tales, sed usque detecti per id jucundum malefaciendi cum quibuscunque haberent, civilitatem enim externam praeferebant; prius etiam visi sunt, quod possent se e loco in locum, ab alio alto ad alterum per phantasias se ejicere.

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