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《灵界经历》 第5890节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5890

5890. About simple mercy

There was a spirit who stood close by, a little above, and flowed into the lids of the left eye, that seemed to be discharging teardrops. From this it was perceived that he was a spirit who had mercy outwardly. I subsequently spoke with that spirit below. He said that he frequently melted with mercy for the poor and wretched, so that he shed tears. But he was asked whether he had taken in the concepts about what is true and good that belongs to the Church's teaching. He said that he had not attended to learning these but that still he had been outwardly devout. Consequently it was suggested to him that he did not have inward and genuine mercy, which cannot exist except through concepts of what is good and true. He had an influence on the left side of my chest, and a certain painful sensation was felt, somewhat like that coming from those who have a devout outward nature. He said that he had been with the angels but that he did not want to go back there. The angels said at the time that he came to them with the belief that he could stay with them, but they said he could not endure them, nor they him, because it was perceived that he had only what is outward. But, they said, if he wanted

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5890


There was a spirit who stood near, a little above, and inflowed into the lids of the left eye, which seemed as it were to discharge teardrops. It was hence perceived that he was a spirit who was in external compassion. I afterwards spoke with him, below; and he said that he often felt such compassion for the poor and wretched that he shed tears. But, on being asked whether he gathered together the knowledges of truth and good which are of the Church, he said that he did not apply himself to learning those, but still that he was in external devotion. Hence an intimation was conveyed to him, that he was not in internal and genuine compassion, which does not exist except through the knowledges of good and truth. He inflowed into the left breast; and a certain painful sensation, almost such as comes from those who are in external devotion, was felt. He said that he has been in heaven with the angels, but does not want to return thither. The angels then said that he came to them, imagining that he could stay with them; but they told him that he was not able to endure them nor they him, because it was perceived that he was only in the external;

Experientiae Spirituales 5890 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5890. De simplici misericordia

Erat spiritus qui adstitit paulo supra et influebat in palpebras oculi sinistri, quae videbantur sicut guttas lachrymae emittere, inde percipiebatur quod esset spiritus qui in externa misericordia erat, dein loquutus cum illo infra, qui dicebat, quod saepius misericordia erga pauperes et miseros tabuerit, ut lachrymas emitteret, sed interrogatus num hauserit cognitiones veri et boni, quae Ecclesiae, dixit quod se non applicuerit ad illas discendum, sed quod usque in devotione externa fuerit, inde ei insinuatum quod non in interna et genuina misericordia fuerit, quae non datur nisi per cognitiones boni et veri, influebat in pectus sinistrum, et ibi aliquod dolorificum, quale paene ab illis qui in devoto externo sunt, sentitum. Dixit, quod in coelo fuerit apud angelos, sed non vellet illuc redire, tunc dixerunt angeli, quod ad illos venerit, credens quod posset apud illos morari, sed dixerint ei, quod non posset sustinere illos, nec ii illum, quia perceptum quod modo in externo esset, sed si vellet ibi

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