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《灵界经历》 第5891节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5891

5891. to be there, that perhaps he could stay in a certain region where the simple good [angels are]. He followed there too, and talked with those who were there, but neither could they endure him. One or two of them went to a certain governor saying that it would be better if he were told to go elsewhere, because he was moved to mercy toward anyone at all and did not look into whether it was beneficial, but that they first look at the character of those on whom they are going to have mercy, and so see how they are going to show mercy discriminately. For this reason he was told by the governor that it would be better if he went away to another society where there would be those of a like nature and that there he would find his heavenly pleasure , which he did. He did not want to do wrong to others.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5891

5891. but, that if he wanted to be there, he might perhaps be able to be in a certain quarter of the society where the simple good were. He also withdrew thither, and mingled with those who were there; but they were not able to endure him. One or two of them went to a certain governor, saying, that it was better that he be told to go somewhere else, because his compassion was moved towards everyone whatever, and he did not inquire whether it was of use; but that they see, first, of what quality those are to whom they are to extend pity, and thus in what manner they shall pity them, with discrimination. In consequence of this, he was told by the governor that it would be better for him to go away to some other society where were those like him, and that he would there enjoy the delight of his own heaven; which, also, he did. He had no wish to harm others.

Experientiae Spirituales 5891 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5891. esse, quod in certa plaga societatis, ubi simplices boni, esse forte potuisset, secessit quoque illuc, et conversatus cum illis qui ibi, sed illi nec potuerunt sustinere illum, ivit unus et alter ad quendam praefectum, dicentes quod praestet ut ei dicatur quod alibi eat, quia misericordia movebatur erga quemcunque, et non inquirit num conducat, at quod illi videant primum illos quorum miserentur, quales sunt, et sic quomodo cum distinctione miseraturi; quare dictum ei a praefecto, quod melius faceret si abiret ad aliam societatem, ubi similes, et quod ibi coeli sui jucundum haberet; quod etiam fecit: is non aliis malefacere voluit.

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