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《灵界经历》 第5889节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5889

5889. All who look down are separated from the rest, even those who are good

It was shown earlier from experience that those who looked down were separated from the rest [5761-5763]. This also happened in societies of heaven where they are upright and good. Those who did not belong to a society could not do otherwise than take in those things that were [going on] below, because they were not governed by the society's restraints. For this reason they were separated from it and led away into their own society, certain first to lower ones, certain not through lower ones first, certain through circuitous routes, so that they may be brought back to their dominant affection.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5889


(It was before shown, from experience, that those who looked down were separated from the rest. This also took place in the societies of heaven, where the upright and good are. Those who did not belong to a society, were not able to help looking at those things which were beneath, because they were not in the bond of the society; wherefore, also, they were separated from it and led away to their own society; some to lower places first, others not to lower places first; some by roundabout ways: in order that they might be brought back into their own reigning affection.)

Experientiae Spirituales 5889 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5889. Quod omnes qui despexerunt, separati sint a reliquis etiam boni

Quod separati sint a reliquis qui despexerunt, prius ab experientia ostensum [5671-5673]; hoc quoque factum est in societatibus coeli, ubi probi et boni, illi qui non pertinebant ad societatem, non potuerunt aliter quam appercipere illa quae infra, quia non in vinculo societatis erant, quapropter illi quoque inde separati sunt, et in societatem suam abducti, quidam primum ad inferiora, quidam non primum per inferiora, quidam per ambages, ut redigerentur ad affectionem suam regnantem.

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