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《灵界经历》 第5892节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5892

5892. About Conr. Ribbing 1

He began giving counsel to the wicked undercover. On this account he was sent into his own nature, but yet in such way that he was at the same time similar in outward respects to what he was in the world when giving this kind of counsel. And because in the world he had spoken from an inner view of a matter, due to the fact that he had been trained in this from constantly being engaged in conversation in his home (since he couldn't seek company elsewhere on account of his feet), and due to the fact that at these times he had been engaged in the kind of business dealings that required him to think a great deal, with respect to which he was inspired in his counsels by inward self-love and trickery, at this time he began to weave intrigues all round with inward trickery, by which he attracted a great number whom he put in position to ruin good spirits whom the Lord protected. And the wonder was that at the same time as all this, I was speaking with him about various things, which he also clearly sensed. And since he persisted and could not be diverted by any warning or fear of hell, he was severely punished several times. He said that he wanted to desist, but was unable. It was said to him that this comes from his having had no fear of the Divine and not having thought about It. After this he desired to go into hell to see what it is like. He was therefore given liberty to go wherever he wanted. He then went far into the west on the northern side, to the most malicious. He was invited [to stay] there but did not wish to because they were cunning. He sensed this and so went further in the same direction, and there he stopped. There they were evil,


1. See footnoted information on him in passage 5867.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5892


He began to counsel the wicked, it being unknown who he was: wherefore, he was let into his nature; still, however, in such wise that he was, at the same time, similar in externals to what he was when he had given such counsels in the world, and when he spoke, in the world, from an interior discernment of a matter, - as he was accustomed to do, owing to his being continually in seclusion at home, because of his inability to seek company elsewhere, on account of his feet; and owing to his being engaged, at the same time, in such business transactions as required him to think deeply; and also owing to his being puffed up by interior love of self and by cunning in schemes. He then began to contrive artifices roundabout, with interior cunning, by means of which he allured very many, whom he posted for destroying the good whom the Lord protected; and it was marvelous that [I was] speaking with him, at the same time, respecting various things, which he also clearly apprehended; and, since he persisted, [and] could not be dragged away by any warning or fear of hell, he was, therefore, grievously punished several times. He said that he wished to desist, but that he was not able. He was told that that arises from the fact that he had no fear of the Divine, nor did he think of Him. After this, he desired to go into hell, in order to see what it was like; wherefore, it was permitted him to go wherever he wished. He went far away into the west beside the north, to the profoundly wicked. He was asked to stay there, but was not willing, because they were crafty. He discerned this, and, therefore, went to a place farther off in the same direction, and stopped there. They were evil there, but not so wicked as those who were at the front.

Experientiae Spirituales 5892 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5892. De Conr. Ribbing

Incepit consilia dare malitiosis incognito, quare missus est in naturam suam, usque tamen ita ut simul esset in externis, similiter ac fuit in mundo dum consilia talia dederat, et quia loquutus in mundo ex interiore intuitione rei, quia ita imbutus ex eo quod continue in conversatione domi esset, ex causa quia non alibi quaerere posset consortia, propter suos pedes - et simul in talibus negotiis fuerat, in quibus cogitare multum debuit, quod etiam insufflabatur ab interiore amore sui, et dolis in consiliis - tunc incepit nectere machinationes circumcirca interiore astutia, per quod alliciebat perplures, quos disposuit ad perdendum bonos, quos Dominus tutatus, et mirum quod simul loquens cum eo de variis, quae etiam appercipiebat evidenter, et quia perstitit, nec potuit aliqua exhortatione et timore pro inferno abstrahi, ideo aliquoties graviter punitus est, dixit quod desistere vellet, sed quod non potuerit; dictum ei quod id inde sit, quod nihil timoris habuerit pro Divino, nec cogitaverit de Illo; postea cupivit in infernum venire, ut videret quale id, quare licuit ei ire ubicunque vellet, ivit remote in occidentem juxta septentrionem, ad malitiosissimos, ibi invitatus non voluit, quia callidi, hoc appercipiebat, quare ulterius ivit, in eadem linea, et ibi substitit, ibi erant

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