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《灵界经历》 第5893节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5893

5893. but not as malicious as those were who were in front. When he came there he was let into his inner qualities, which was a state he found pleasing. He told them that they were to give him whatever they had, which they at first refused; but subsequently through the power of his thought and his promises that he would return [these things], he achieved this. Then he wanted them to do entirely as he wished, which he also achieved. After this, out of these possessions he distributed to each and everyone as he favored, to one whom he favored, the most, to others a few, depending on how they pleased him. By this the nature of his character in the world and how his thought stemmed from self-love's covetousness were made plainly visible. He admitted too that he had thought in this way, namely, that if he had absolute power, which he also desired in the highest degree, he would act in this way with all, he would possess everything that belonged to them, and would give to each one depending on their completely and blindly doing as he ordered. Thus it was made plainly visible also that in respect to intelligence he esteemed himself above all others in the world. For this reason, when those who are in that hell complained about the loss of their possessions,

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5893

5893. On coming to that place, he was let into his interiors; which state was pleasing to him. He then said to them, that they were to give him whatever they possessed; which, at first, they refused, but afterwards, by the force of [his] thought, and by promises to return it, he prevailed. Next, he wanted them to do exactly as he wished; which, also, he obtained. After this, he distributed of those possessions to everyone according to [his] arbitrary preference: much, to him who favored him greatly, to another, little; according to the degree in which they were pleasing to him. By this was manifested of what character he had been in the world, and how he had thought from the lust of the love of self. He also confessed that he had so thought: namely, that if he had absolute power, which also he coveted in the highest degree, he would do thus with all - he would take possession of all things of theirs, and give to everyone, according to their doing, altogether and blindly, as he ordered. Thus, also, was manifested, that he esteemed himself, as regards intelligence, before all others in the world.

Experientiae Spirituales 5893 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5893. mali sed non ita malitiosi ut erant qui anterius; cum illuc venit missus est in sua interiora, qui status ei placuit, tunc dixit ad illos ut darent ei quicquid haberent, quod primum negabant, sed postea per vim cogitationis, et per sponsiones quod redderet, obtinuit, dein voluit quod facerent prorsus sicut vellet, quod quoque obtinuit, dein distribuit unicuivis ex possessis illis secundum favorem, ei qui ei favebat maxime plura, alteri pauca secundum id quod sibi placerent, per id manifestatum quali animo fuerat in mundo et quomodo ex cupiditate amoris sui cogitaverat, fassus etiam quod ita cogitaverat, quod nempe si ei absoluta potestas esset, quam etiam summopere cupivit, ita faceret cum omnibus, quod omnia illorum possiderat, et daret cuique secundum id quod facerent prorsus et coece sicut ille jussit, ita quoque manifestatum, quod se quoad intelligentiam praetulerit omnibus reliquis in mundo; quare cum lamentati sunt illi qui in inferno illo, de jactura suarum pos-

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