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《灵界经历》 第5894节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5894

5894. he was very severely punished in face and body. After this was carried out, he was released and brought into his outer nature, brought into a recollection of things like those above, and he confessed that he had cherished desires like this in himself. But not even after all this did he desist. He was driven to various desires, and also to acts of revenge, and it was found that he constantly had in mind revenge against those who had spoken anything, even something that wasn't bad, against his love; and that he had held on to revenge up to his death, and in secret, even through his own official position, had sought how he might harm that person [who had offended him]; besides much else. Because of this he was driven to the southwestern corner, far away, where spirits like this are, and into a hell there. When he was thrown down, he was seen at first surrounded by a cloud.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5894

5894. When, therefore, those in that hell complained of the loss of their possessions, he was there most severely punished, as to the face and body. This being over, he was let out and put into his external: he was put in remembrance of such things; and he confessed that he cherished such desires in himself. But not even so did he desist: he was prompted to various passions, and also to revenge; and it was ascertained that he was continually in the purpose of taking revenge upon those who spoke anything, even if it were nothing bad, contrary to his love, and that he cherished revenge even to the death, and sought how he might injure him [i.e., his enemy] unawares, even by the authority of his official position; besides many other things. Wherefore, he was driven towards the south-west corner, afar off, where such are, into a hell there. When cast down, he seemed, at first, to be enveloped in a cloud.

Experientiae Spirituales 5894 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5894. sessionum, ibi gravissime punitus est quoad faciem et corpus, quo peracto emissus, et in externum suum missus, in recordationem talium missus, et fassus quod taliter apud se cupiverit. Sed nec sic destitit, actus est in varias cupiditates, et quoque in vindictae, et compertum quod animo continue gesserit vindictam contra illos, qui aliquid, tametsi non male, contra ejus amorem loquuti sunt, et quod vindictam retinuerit usque ad mortem, et incognito quaesiverit quomodo ei noceret, etiam per jus functionis suae; praeter plura alia: quare actus est versus angulum meridiei et occidentis, remote, ubi tales, in infernum ibi, cum dejectus videbatur nimbo primum circumductus.

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