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《灵界经历》 第5900节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5900

5900. Also, who they are who are snakes

There are also those who are snakes. In the world they lived alone and then thought about various things that occurred in the world and did not divulge their thoughts to anyone. Those who thought ill of their country and the neighbor, act just like snakes and also looked like snakes when viewed by angels. They are behind [a person] and their intent flows in from the back side between the loins, and the worse right up to the genitals. Those who did not divulge their thoughts and still knew how to converse in accordance with accepted outward courtesy and sincerity are taken into societies of those who are upright because they do not make their thoughts known. Nevertheless they leave and act jointly with those who are malicious, and they return and do not say what they have done, only that they have enjoyed themselves. Gust[av] Benzelstierna. 1


1. See footnoted information on him in passage 4851.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5900


Those also are serpents, who, in the world, have lived alone, and have thus pondered over the various things which happened in the world, and have not divulged their thoughts to anyone. Those who thought ill of their country and neighbor act similarly to serpents; and, also, when explored by the angels, appear as serpents. They are at the back, and their purpose inflows at the hinder part, between the loins, and the worse ones, as far as to the genitals. Those who have not divulged their thoughts, and yet knew how to comport themselves according to the received etiquette and external propriety, are admitted into societies of the upright, because they do not exhibit their thoughts; but, still, they go out and act in league with the wicked, and return; nor do they say what they have done, only that they have enjoyed themselves. Gustav Benzelstjerna.

Experientiae Spirituales 5900 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5900. Quinam etiam serpentes

Sunt illi quoque serpentes qui in mundo solitarii vixerunt, et sic cogitaverunt de variis quae obvenerunt in mundo, nec cuiquam vulgarunt cogitata sua, illi qui male cogitaverunt de patria, et proximo, illi agunt similiter ac serpentes, et quoque inspecti ab angelis apparent ut serpentes, a tergo sunt, et influit intentio eorum a posteriori parte inter lumbos, et pejores usque ad genitalia; illi qui non vulgarunt cogitationes suas, et usque noverunt secundum receptum decorum et honestum externum conversari, recipiuntur in societates proborum, quia cogitationes suas non propalant, sed usque exeunt, et cum malitiosis unum agunt, ac redeunt, nec dicunt quid fecerunt, solum quod jucundaverint se. Gust. Benzelstierna.

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