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《灵界经历》 第5901节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5901

5901. About those who look around themselves and are not so high up, what harm they inflict

There were spirits from Utrecht who were in a society. They were not so evil but had no deeper knowledge whatsoever. They were in a place that was almost flat and not high up, and they frequently went out and looked around themselves in all directions. Out of curiosity I spoke with them, and they were not speaking from any understanding, to the point that I could not pay attention to them. By looking around they stirred up spirits in every direction, and when they turned from there to me, these spirits worked on me and introduced evils and sometimes atrocious ones.

[2] The spirits of the society believed that they were not to blame, because they themselves had not inflicted the evil, but it was shown to them that they gave the others light and thus a route [to me], and that apart from such a view those others would not have known me. And yet because they had introduced evil, just as is the case with those who stir up evil [spirits] and together with them introduce evil, all those female [spirits] who went out of the society were thrown out. There were also, overhead, similar spirits from the same country interacting with them. These too were aflame with the desire of looking down on me, and they were taught by a certain foreign spirit how to make an opening below themselves; and then, by looking in, they aroused wicked spirits from whom wickedness came. From this it was clear that no one is permitted to go out and look around outside their land.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5901


There were some spirits from Utrecht who were in a society, not particularly evil but not at all in thoughts. They were in a place almost level, not on high, and frequently sallied forth and thus looked around from all points, and this from inquisitiveness. I conversed with them, and they spoke without any intelligence; to such a degree that I could not listen to them. By their looking around, they called forth spirits from every quarter, and when they turned themselves from them to me, those spirits operated into me and introduced evil, and sometimes wickedness. The spirits of the society considered that they were guiltless, because they did not introduce the evil themselves; but it was shown them that they furnished light, and thus the means, to those who did, and that, apart from such direction, they would not have known me. As, also, they still brought about evil, like those who call forth the evil [spirits] and inflict harm in conjunction with them, all those [female spirits] who went forth from the society were cast out. Similar ones from the same country, corresponding to these, were also overhead: these, likewise, inflamed with the desire of looking down, were enraged against me, and were instructed by a certain foreign spirit how to make an opening beneath them; and then, by looking in, they called forth execrable spirits from whom issued wickedness. It was hence manifested, that it is not permitted to anyone to go forth and look around him, beyond his own territory.

Experientiae Spirituales 5901 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5901. De illis qui spectant circum se, et non ita in alto sunt, quid damni inferunt

Erant spiritus ex Utrecht, qui in societate erant, non ita mali, sed prorsus non in cognitionibus, illi erant in loco paene plano, nec in edito, et saepius egressi, et se circumspexerunt undequaque, et hoc curiositatis causa, loquutus cum illis, et non loquebantur ex aliqua intelligentia, usque ut non possem audire illos, illi per circumspectionem excitarunt spiritus undequaque, et cum convertebant se inde ad me, operabantur illi spiritus in me, et malum inferebant, et quandoque nefandum; spiritus societatis credebant quod illi insontes essent quia ipsi non inferebant malum, sed ostensum illis est quod darent lucem et sic viam illis, et quod absque tali intuitione non sciverint me, et quia usque intulerunt malum, sicut illi qui excitant malos, et cum illis damnum inferunt, omnes quae exibant e societate, ejectae sunt. Erant etiam supra caput similes eis correspondentes ex eadem patria, illi etiam cupidine despiciendi in me incensi sunt, et a quodam alieno spiritu edocti aperturam infra se facere, et illi tunc per inspectionem excitabant nefandos spiritus, ex quibus nefandum; inde patuit, quod non liceat alicui exire et se circumspicere extra suam terram.

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