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《灵界经历》 第5902节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5902

5902. Every spirit is given the opportunity to go out of his society or city and to walk around. Those who love uses for the sake of uses never want to and do not even know how to look around outside their own land; and they do not have such vision because they have no such intention. For this reason lands elsewhere do not appear to them. It is otherwise with those who do not love uses for the sake of uses: there is a desire implanted in them to see foreign lands, which in fact happens, and it is these by whom all the societies are cleansed, and they are thrown out elsewhere depending on their way of life.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5902

5902. The means of going out of his own society, or town, and to ramble about there, is given to every spirit. Those who love use for the sake of use, never wish, they do not even know how, to look around them beyond their own territory; nor, inasmuch as they have no such purpose, have they such a view: wherefore, the territories elsewhere do not appear to them. It is different with those who do not love use for the sake of use. With these, the desire of seeing things outside is ingrained; and they do it. These, also, are the ones from whom all societies are purged; and they are cast forth to some other place, according to their life.

Experientiae Spirituales 5902 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5902. Cuique spiritui datur copia, exire ex sua societate aut urbe, et ibi circumcirca spatiari, illi qui amant usus propter usus, nusquam volunt, ne quidem sciunt se circumspicere extra terram suam, nec habent talem visum quia non talem intentionem, quare non apparent illis terrae alibi, aliter illis qui non amant usus propter usus, illis insidet cupido extranea videre, quod etiam fit; et hi sunt a quibus omnes societates purificantur, et ejiciuntur alibi secundum vitam suam.

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