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《灵界经历》 第5903节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5903

5903. About Hypocrites

When hypocrites ascend into the heavens and speak there with the wise about things having to do with the Church and Heaven, they appear to the angels there as having a disfigured face, but they believe that they appear to have a beautiful face, saying that this is how they look. However, the angels see them as they inwardly are. But to the simple they appear with a face they put on to match their speech, on which account, because they appear like this, they are thrown down immediately.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5903


When hypocrites ascend into the heavens, and converse there with the wise respecting the things of the Church and of heaven, they appear in the eyes of the angels, there, of a hideous countenance; but they think they appear of a handsome countenance, and say that they so appear. But, still, the angels see them as they are inwardly. To the simple, however, they appear of a countenance which they adjust in agreement with their description: wherefore, as they have such an appearance, they are instantly cast down.

Experientiae Spirituales 5903 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5903. De Hypocritis

Hypocritae cum ascendunt in coelos, et loquuntur ibi cum sapientibus de rebus Ecclesiae et Coeli, apparent coram angelis ibi facie deformi, sed credunt quod appareant facie pulchra, dicentes quod ita appareant, sed usque angeli vident illos sicut intus sunt; at simplicibus apparent in facie quam componunt secundum loquelam suam, quare quia tales apparent, dejiciuntur illico.

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