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《灵界经历》 第5914节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5914

5914. and have a similar doctrine can come to those who hold a similar one, and this happens according to the procedure in heaven. After this I said various things to him about the goodness produced by charity and about the faith that comes from this, and this [was said] in the light of understanding. I spoke about this for two hours, and while this was going on angelic spirits were brought into association with him so that he would be able to grasp the things that were said, and he then acknowledged these things and admitted that he had been in the wrong, but that he could not enter into these things further because he had convinced himself about faith alone. This went on to the point that he wanted to make these things part of his own doctrine, and even tried to do so, but in vain, since he was then entirely in the dark as to his understanding, as he was also told. On this account he was taken away, and angelic spirits who had been attached to him were carried off, and so he returned to his own doctrine and to his earthly light, thus to his own life in which he had been before.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5914

5914. Afterwards, I said various things to him about the good of charity and faith therefrom, and this in intellectual light. On another occasion, also, I spoke for two hours; and, at that time, angelic spirits were associated with him, so that he might be able to perceive the things that were said; and then he acknowledged them, and confessed that he had been in falsity, but that he was not able to enter farther into these things, and this for the reason that he had confirmed himself in faith alone. He proceeded so far as to wish to make those things of his doctrine; which also he attempted, but in vain, since he was then entirely darkened as to his understanding, as also was told him. He was, therefore, removed; and there were taken away from him the angelic spirits who had been adjoined to him; and so he returned into his doctrine and into his natural lumen, consequently into his life wherein he had been before.

Experientiae Spirituales 5914 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5914. et in simili doctrina, veniant ad illos qui in simili sunt, et hoc secundum ordinem coeli. Postea loquutus sum cum illo de bono charitatis et de fide inde varia, et hoc in luce intellectuali, et ita loquutus per binas horas, et tunc associati ei sunt spiritus angelici, ut posset percipere quae dicebantur, et tunc agnovit illa, et fassus quod in falso fuerat, sed quod non intrare in illa amplius, ex causa quia confirmaverat se in sola fide, processit usque eo, ut vellet facere illa suae doctrinae, quod etiam tentavit, sed incassum, quia tunc obtenebrabatur prorsus quoad suum intellectum, quod etiam ei dictum est, quapropter removebatur, et auferebantur ei spiritus angelici qui ei adjuncti erant, et sic rediit in suam doctrinam, et in suum lumen naturale, proinde in suam vitam in qua prius fuerat.

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