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《灵界经历》 第5915节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5915

5915. Luther loved to argue more than others and to prove by arguments, and he said that he rarely encounters the kind of people who can argue the points of his doctrine with him; consequently he grieves that he is rarely able to enjoy this pleasure. On this account it was said to him that the reason he is in a state like this is because he has hatched his dogmas out of his thinking, and then has always made a connection of things with his primary principle, and that those who do so love to engage in argument, and in their thoughts both present and listen to things like this; and that the reason the rest are not like this is because they learn about doctrinal matters and do not think about the connection of the material with its primary principle, except when thinking from others and not from themselves. For this reason they do not immerse themselves in inward thought, for those who only have proofs of dogma, and also proofs of the connection, do not do so from themselves and from their own thinking but from others, for they see these things, and only those who are educated think about proof of the connection. Thus they, like [their] leader, do not have their attention spread to the rest of the material.

[2] Besides, his followers have thought little about things like this, except when they have preached and taught, and between times have thought about worldly and bodily matters. He, however, does so constantly, from morning to evening. On this account, as he said, when those capable of arguing come to him they cannot bear his arguments for long but after a short time retreat because it tires their thinking.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5915

5915. Luther was fonder than others of arguing and of confirming by reasonings, and said that he rarely comes across such as were able to debate with him concerning his doctrinals; thus, lamenting that he was rarely able to be in that delight. It was, therefore, told him, that the reason he is such, is, because he hatched his dogmas from his thought, and also meditated continually about the connection of things with his principle; and that they who do so, love to argue, and to present and listen to, such things, in thought. The reason others are not like this, is, because they learn doctrinals, but do not ponder the connection of other things with the principle, except when they do it from others and not from themselves. They, therefore, do not let themselves into interior thought; for they who are only in confirmations of a dogma, and also let themselves into confirmations of the connection [of other things with it], not from themselves and from their own thought but from that of others, do not see them; and those who are learned think only of the confirmation of one thing; thus, they do not have the mind diffused to other things, like their leader. Besides this, the followers have thought but little about such things save when they have been preaching and teaching, and, in the interval, of worldly and bodily matter - he, however, continually, from morning even until evening: wherefore, as he said, when those come to him who are able to debate, they do not long stand against his reasonings, but, after a short stay, retire, because he wearied their thoughts.

Experientiae Spirituales 5915 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5915. Lutherus amavit prae caeteris ratiocinari, et per ratiocinia confirmare, et dixit quod raro inveniat tales qui cum eo de doctrinalibus suis ratiocinari possunt, sic dolens quod raro possit esse in eo jucundo, quare dictum est ei, quod is talis sit causa sit, quia ex cogitatione exclusit sua dogmata, et continue tunc de nexu rerum cum suo principio [cogitavit], et qui ita faciunt, quod [tales] ament ratiocinari, et cogitative sistere et audire talia; quod reliqui similes non sint, est causa, quia discunt doctrinalia, nec cogitant de nexu reliquorum cum principio, nisi quum ex aliis, et non ex se, quare non in cogitationem interiorem se dimittunt, qui enim solum in confirmantia dogmatum, et quoque in confirmantia nexus se immittunt, non ex se et ex sua cogitatione, sed ex aliorum, vident illa, et qui eruditi sunt solum cogitant de confirmatione nexus, ita non diffusam mentem in reliqua habent, sicut antesignanus. Praeter quod asseclae parum cogitaverint de talibus, modo cum praedicarunt et docuerunt, ac interea de mundanis et corporeis, ille autem continue a mane usque ad vesperam: quare, sicut dixit, cum illi veniunt ad eum qui ratiocinari possunt, non diu sustinent ejus ratiocinia, sed post paucam moram recedunt, quia fatigaret eorum cogitationes.

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