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《灵界经历》 第5923节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5923

5923. It was then shown how he got into communication with heaven by the abuse of correspondences. In front, over the forehead, he pushed forward a red [thing], just as [done] (by cons 1), and shaped it in various ways. Using this, when a communication had been established, he spoke with certain ones there. And he was rebuked because action like this was of a magical nature, as were similar actions, and other similar actions in the atmosphere.

[2] He said that he had gone up into that heaven and that when he had come there he had seen nothing, but when his eyes were opened he had seen magnificent things, but that he was immediately made to go down. This was allowed so that he could know what heaven is like because he had thought about it.

[3] But after several days he began to act together with malevolent spirits who were attacking me, instigating who were above to continue with this, on which account he was then sent away to those who have faith alone and quarrel as a result of false conceptions. There is a sound of gnashing teeth there.


1. Perhaps an abbreviation of consilarii = national advisers, or of absque conscientia = without conscience.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5923

5923. It was next shown, how he procured for himself communication with heaven by abuse of correspondences, [namely], that he extended some red thing in front above the forehead, as it were, [concealed], 1and that he made it into various forms, whereby, a communication being established, he spoke with certain ones there, and was rebuked, because such a thing was magical; besides similar things. Other like things, also, were projected into the air.

He said that he ascended into that heaven, and that when he came thither, he saw nothing; but, when his eyes were opened, he saw magnificent things, but that he was immediately compelled to descend. This was permitted, in order that he might know what heaven is like, because he had thought deeply about it.

But, after some days, he began to act in unison with the malignant who secretly infested me, by instigating those who were above to persist therein; wherefore, he was next cast back among those who are in faith alone and dispute from falsities, where there is gnashing of teeth.


1. This is printed exactly as in the Latin; though why it is so printed, there, we cannot say. -TR.

Experientiae Spirituales 5923 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5923. Ostensum dein quomodo communicationem sibi paravit cum coelo per abusus correspondentiarum, quod ante super frontem extenderit rubrum, sicut (abs cons et quod varie formaverit illud, per quod facta communicatione loquutus est cum quibusdam ibi, et increpatus, quia tale magicum esset, praeter similia; et alia similia in aere.

[2] Dixit ipse, quod ascenderit in coelum illud, et quod cum illuc venit, nihil viderit, sed cum aperti sunt oculi, viderit magnifica, sed quod statim actus descendere; quod permissum, ut sciret quale coelum est; quia de eo cogitaverat.

[3] Sed post aliquot dies unum agere incepit cum malevolis, qui me in abscondito infestabant, instigando illos qui supra, ut persisterent in eo, quapropter dein rejectus est ad illos qui in sola fide, et disceptant ex falsis, ubi stridor dentium.

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