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《灵界经历》 第5938节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5938

5938. About the Papists, who wanted to get themselves into the Christian world

Many of the Babylonish gang burned to kill the reformed, sending agents there, to whom they gave support from their positions. And they did this in various ways, by forming confederacies. But they were very heavily punished, the whole person being torn to pieces and destroyed, and in this fashion were hurled into hell. But yet they were scarcely deterred, for they burn with passion to destroy all the reformed. This passion burns intensely in them at the present day.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5938


Many of the Babylonish crew burned to kill the Reformed, dispatching to them spies, whom they sustained from their places; and this in various modes by forming leagues. But they were punished most grievously, by the destroying of everything human and by being rent asunder, and were thus cast into hell. But yet, even so, they are scarcely deterred; for they burn with the passion of destroying all the Reformed; which passion burns very fiercely with them at the present day.

Experientiae Spirituales 5938 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5938. De Pontificiis, qui se inferre voluerunt in orbem Christianum

Multi ex Babylonica turba flagrarunt percutere reformatos, illuc ablegando emissarios, quos e locis suis sustinebant, et hoc variis modis, faciendo ligas, sed illi gravissime puniti sunt, perdendo omne hominis per dilacerationes, et sic conjecti in infernum, sed usque vix sic absterrentur, nam flagrant ardore destruendi omnes reformatos, qui ardor apud eos hodie maxime flagrat.

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