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《灵界经历》 第5962节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5962

5962. About Dippel 1and about Gustav Benzelst[ierna], 2who can sharply defame others but who see nothing of truth

It was believed that Dippel had been capable of sharp insight into matters. This was because he had written against many things with acuity, and in respect to these it appeared as if he had understood matters better than others. But he was examined, and it was found that he was not capable of any insight into anything of the truth, indeed, into anything of the substance of a matter, but was capable only of defaming others, on which account the matters that came from him were ridiculous and foolish, as can be seen from the fact that he said that fire is spirit, and many other things.

Because they believed that he had an understanding of a matter, Gust[av] Benzelstierna was called in. He examined Dippel, and he said things about Dippel that he could not but accept, and these things were said so acutely that they scarcely could have been said more so, and yet he was completely incapable of insight into anything.

From this it was evident what the nature is of those who can sharply defame others and yet see nothing themselves, and that the delight of defaming is such that it can be compared with the malice of the hellish ones which too is so acute that it can be believed that they are able to contemplate and see a thing but yet are remote as can be from the contemplation of truth.


1. John Conrad Dippel (1673ֱ733) a German author opposed to the priesthood and the organized church.

2. See footnoted information on him in passage 4851.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5962


It was believed that Dippel had been able to observe matters keenly, for the reason that he wrote, with acuteness, in opposition to many, and appeared in these productions as though he understood the matter better than the others. But he was examined, and it was found that he is incapable of seeing anything of truth, in fact, anything of a subject, but merely to asperse others wherefore, the things which were from him were ridiculous and foolish, as may be manifest from the fact that he said fire pertains to spirit, and many other [absurdities]. As they believed that he possessed the understanding of a matter, therefore Gustavus Benzelstjerna was called forth, who scrutinized Dippel, and said such things about him as he could not but take to himself and these things were stated so acutely as could hardly be surpassed, and, nevertheless he is totally unable to weigh any matter. Hence was manifested of what quality those are who can cleverly asperse others, namely, that nevertheless they see nothing themselves, and that the delight of aspersing is such as may be compared with the malice of the infernals, which is also so clever that it might be believed they are able to weigh matters; but yet it is the farthest removed from the insight of truth.

Experientiae Spirituales 5962 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5962. De Dippel et de Gustav Benzelst., qui possunt acute alios diffamare, sed nihil veri videre

Creditum fuit quod Dippelius potuisset acute intueri res, ex causa quia acute scripsit contra plures, et in iis apparuit sicut is rem intelligeret prae aliis, sed exploratus, et inventus est quod nihil veri imo nihil rei possit intueri, sed solum alios diffamare; quare res quae ex illo erant, erant ridiculae, et fatuae, ut constare potest ex eo quod ignem dixerit esse spiritus, et plura alia; quia crediderunt, quod intellectus rei apud eum esset, ideo evocatus est Gust. Benzelstierna, qui inspexit Dippelium et dixit de eo talia, quae ille non potuit non assumere sibi, et illa dicta sunt ita acute, ut vix acutius, et tamen ille prorsus non potest aliquam rem intueri, inde manifestatum est, quales sunt qui acute possunt diffamare alios, quod usque ipse nihil videant; et quod jucundum diffamandi tale sit, quod comparatum est cum malitia infernalium, quae etiam tam acuta est, ut credi possit quod res possint intueri, sed usque ab intuitione veri remotissima est.

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