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《灵界经历》 第5963节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5963

5963. About the Russians

They are not as malicious as the rest in Christianity. They are very subordinate, believing that everything they possess is not theirs but the Czar's because the kingdom is his. Therefore when he wants, he takes whatever it is he wants from them, and they tell what they have and surrender [it]; likewise when officials say that it is his command. In the other life they retain this belief and live subordinately, but with the difference that they believe that everything they possess is not the Czar's but God's, given to them so that they may rightly put it to use. On this account, if they do not put them to use rightly, or rather, when they do so evilly, that is to say, if they are evil, then part or all is taken away from them, depending on the malice and abuse involved, that is, on their being used for evil, as also does happen. Sometimes they are told, when they put their heart too much on money, that they must give some of their money to the poor, or better said, to the needy, which of course is scarcely what they want to do; nevertheless, they are told that it must be done because it is God's command, and they obey. But then, after some time, they receive more, for they are blessed. Sometimes they are told that they must go out of their places because they are evil, but then they think and say that there are evil among them and that those are making them evil. So they hunt for them, and when they find them, throw them into the sea, from which they never return. Thus freed from them, they retain their property. On this account, from that time on when they become aware that they are beginning to be evil, namely, to covet the goods of others, to think up different ways of secretly stealing the possessions of others, they then notice that there are evil in the vicinity. Therefore, when they have been admonished, they cleanse their society of them. The evil are found for the most part in certain places, for the most part beside the sea. There were Russians with me on several occasions, and evil ones from the Christian world were restrained by them. They were obedient and modest, so they were much better than those are. The reason is that they can be kept in a desire for what is good due to the fact that they are obedient and subordinate, and they do not aspire to high [positions], and thus are able to be withheld from having a will of their own. But they are scarcely intellectual.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5963


They are not so wicked as the rest in Christendom. They are in very great subordination, believing that all they possess is not theirs but the Czar's, because the kingdom is his; wherefore, whenever he pleases, he takes away from them whatever he wants, and they acknowledge what they have, and give it and, in like manner, when officers say that they act by his command. In the other life, they retain that faith, and live in the same subordination, but, with the difference, that all their possessions are not the Czar's but God's, given to them to apply rightly to uses. Wherefore, if they do not employ them aright, or when they do so improperly, that is, if they are evil, then part, or the whole, is taken away from them, according to the wickedness, and abuse, or use for evil - as also happens. They are sometimes told, when they place the heart too much on money, to give part of their riches to the poor or needy; and, although they are very unwilling, still they are told that it must be done, as it is by God's command. And they do it; but, then, after a time, they receive some more, for they are blessed. Sometimes, they are told that they will [have to] go forth from their places, because they are evil; but they then think and say that there are evil persons with them, and that these make them evil. Wherefore they seek them out, and, when they find them, cast them forth into the sea, whence they never return. Thus freed from them, they remain in their possessions: wherefore, whenever afterwards they notice that they begin to be evil, namely, to covet the goods of others and to devise certain arts for plundering others of their property, they then apprehend that there are evil persons in the neighborhood, from whom, therefore, when admonished, they purge their society. The evil are found for the most part in well-known places, principally on the sea-shore. Russians have been with me, several times; and through them the evil from the Christian world were kept away. They were in obedience, and were modest; so that they were much better than those. The reason is, because they can be kept in a good affection, owing to the fact that they are in obedience and subordination, and do not aspire to high [places], and thus can be withheld from the will-proprium. But they are scarcely at all intellectual.

Experientiae Spirituales 5963 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5963. De Russis

Illi non sunt malitiosi prout reliqui in Christianismo, sunt in magna subordinatione, credentes quod omnia quae possident, non sint illorum sed Czaris, quia ejus regnum, quare cum is vult, aufert ab illis quicquid vult, et confitentur quid habent, et dant, similiter cum officiarii dicunt quod ejus mandato; in altera vita retinent illam fidem et in subordinatione illa vivunt, sed cum differentia, quod non Czaris sed Dei sint omnia eorum, eis data ut illis rite ad usus fungantur, quapropter si non rite illis funguntur, seu, cum male, hoc est si mali sunt, tunc auferatur ab illis pars vel omne secundum malitiam et abusum seu usum ad malum, quod etiam fit. Quandoque dicitur illis, quando nimis ponunt cor in pecuniis, quod aliquid ex pecuniis dent pauperibus seu egenis, quod licet aegre volunt, usque dicitur illis quod faciendum, quia ex mandato Dei, quod etiam faciunt, sed tunc post aliquod tempus plus accipiunt, nam benedicuntur. Quandoque dicitur illis quod exibunt locis suis quia mali sunt, sed tunc cogitant et dicunt quod mali sint apud illos, et quod illi faciant illos malos, quare inquirunt illos, et cum inveniunt, projiciunt illos in mare, unde nusquam redeunt, sic liberati ab illis remanent in suis possessionibus: quapropter postea dum appercipiunt quod incipiant mali esse, nempe concupiscere aliorum bona, et cogitare aliquas artes surripiendi aliis sua, tunc appercipiunt quod mali in propinquo sint, a quibus ideo, cum admoniti, expurgant societatem suam; mali inveniuntur plerumque in certis locis, plerumque ad latus maris. Fuerunt Russi aliquoties apud me, et per illos arcebantur mali ex Christianismo, in obedientia erant, et modesti, sic ut multo meliores fuerint illis, causa est, quia in affectione bona possunt teneri ex eo quod in obedientia et subordinatione sunt, nec adspirant ad alta, et sic deteneri possunt a proprio voluntatis; sed parum intellectuales sunt.

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