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《灵界经历》 第5976节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5976

5976. All the evil are against the Lord in the degree of their evil, they are not against the Father

Fred[erick] Gyll[enborg] 1

There was the case of Fr[ederick] Gyll[en]b[org]. From boyhood he had acknowledged God and had continued on in this acknowledgment, but he burned with the love of controlling and possessing everything in the world. He pursued this likewise in the other life, frequently by praying to the Father to give him what he desired. His prayers were overheard several times. They were always for himself and also from the doctrine of the Church as he applied it, but he prayed to the Father, and he received a reply from a certain spirit, in various ways. But after prayers he always went off and procured for himself leagues [of spirits], which, when he had gotten them, he came with to destroy me, which he did as usual by blowing into my chest. He frequently did this after prayers. Whenever he was told that he ought not do this but refrain because I was protected by the Lord, he always replied that he could not, however much they said that the Lord and the Father together desire this. He said that I was an impediment to his exercising power, thus that the Lord was, whom he not only despised but persecuted. One night when he kept on blowing on me, there were some thousands of spirits above from every quarter roundabout who looked at him and me when he did this, and not one of them wanted to defend me and drive him off or exhort him to stop, but depending on the nature of the evil in them, they took pleasure in viewing it. On this account they were all driven off in the morning. It needs be said that in comparable circumstances what anyone does to someone whom the Lord protects he does to the Lord Himself. From this and many other experiences it has become known [to me] that all who are evil scorn and attack the Lord, depending on the degree of evil in them, and they go to the Father and also believe that all things are obtained through prayers, even things that are evil.


1. For information on this person see footnote for passage 4704.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5976


There was Frederic Gyllenborg. From boyhood, he acknowledged God, and remained in the acknowledgment, but burned with the love of ruling and of possessing everything in the world. He had a similar longing in the other life, frequently praying to the Father to give him what he covets. I often overheard his prayer, always for himself, and also according to the doctrine of the Church, which he applied. But he prayed to the Father, and he was answered by a certain spirit, in various ways. After his prayers, however, he always went away and gathered to himself bands; and, when he secured them, he went along with them to destroy me, which also he usually attempted, by blowing into [my] breast. This he did, after his prayings, repeatedly. When he was told that he ought not to do so, but that he should abstain from it, since I am protected by the Lord, he always replied that he could not, no matter if they said that the Lord and the Father together wish it. He said that I hinder his ruling; consequently, that the Lord does; whom, therefore, he not only utterly despised, but also persecuted. One night, when he persisted in the blowing-in, there were some thousands of spirits from above, out of every quarter and corner, who looked at him and me when he did so; and not one of them was willing to defend me and drive him away, or exhort him to desist; but they perceived a delight in looking on at it, according to the character of their evil. For this reason they were all driven away in the morning, by my saying, in a comparative way, that what anyone does to one whom the Lord protects, he does to Himself. From this and many other experiences it was made known, that all the evil vilify and persecute the Lord according to the degree of their evil also, that they approach the Father, inasmuch as they also believed that they may obtain all things by prayers, even evils.

Experientiae Spirituales 5976 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5976. Quod omnes mali sint contra Dominum secundum mali gradum, non contra Patrem Fred. Gyll.

Erat Fr. Gyllb. Ille a pueritia agnovit Deum, et mansit in agnitione, sed flagrabat amore imperandi et possidendi omnia mundi, is similiter affectabat in altera vita, frequenter orando Patrem, ut det illi quod cupit, orationes ejus pluries auditae sunt, semper pro se, et quoque ex doctrina Ecclesiae quam applicabat, sed oravit ad Patrem, et respondebatur ei a quodam spiritu, variis modis, sed post orationes semper abivit et acquisivit sibi ligas, quas cum accepit, ivit cum illis ad me destruendum, quod etiam fecit solito per insufflationes in pectus, hoc frequentavit post orationes, cum ei diceretur quod hoc non oportet facere, sed ab eo abstinere quia a Domino tutatus, semper respondit quod non posset, utcunque dixerunt quod Dominus et Pater unum velint, dixit quod ego impediam dominium ejus, ita quod Dominus, quem sic prorsus non modo contemsit sed etiam persequutus est; erant una nocte, qua perseverabat in persufflando, aliqua millia spirituum a superiore ab omni plaga et circum qui inspectabant eum et me, cum id fecit, et nemo ex illis voluit defendere me et abigere eum aut dehortari ut desistat, sed in conspiciendo id jucundum appercipiebant secundum quale mali apud eos, quare etiam mane omnes abacti sunt, dicendum comparative quod id quod aliquis facit uni quem Dominus tutatur faciat sibi, inde et ex pluribus aliis experientiis notum factum est, quod omnes mali Dominum vilipendant et persequantur secundum gradum mali apud illos, tum quod Patrem adeant, ut et quod credant omnia obtinere per preces, etiam mala.

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