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《灵界经历》 第5978节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5978

5978. About the Lord, that He was almost rejected in the Christian world

It was heard that spirits were creating disturbances. Among them there were those who in the world had frequently gone to Churches and listened to the preaching every Sunday, so that it scarcely could be believed that they were like this. It was asked what the disturbance was, and it was clearly seen that they were furiously asking where the Lord is. And when it was thought that He was there or there, they rushed there and dragged out any spirit from there whom they believed to be the Lord and then mercilessly attempted to abuse him, wanting with all their might to butcher Him. They did this furiously and for a long time. And after this they then asked where anyone was who would acknowledge the Lord, and the one who said he did, they wanted to butcher. In this way they went from one to the other. This testified to the fact that at the present day Christians are worse than the Jews were. They were the Benzelstiernas and many others.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5978


It was heard that some spirits got up tumults; and amongst them were some who, in the world, regularly attended church, and listened to preachings every Sabbath, so that it could scarcely be credited that they were of such a character. This tumult was inquired into, and it was perceived that they were demanding in a fury where the Lord was; and [when] he was supposed to be in this place or that, they rushed thither, and dragged forth from thence any spirit whom they believed to be the Lord, and endeavoured to treat him cruelly - wishing, with all their might, to butcher him. They did this with rage, and for a long time; and, afterward, they demanded where anyone who acknowledged the Lord was; and him who said that he did, they wished to butcher. They thus proceeded from one person to another. It was thus proved that the Christians of the present day were worse than the Jews. These were Benzelstierna and many others.

Experientiae Spirituales 5978 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5978. De Domino quod paene rejectus in Christiano orbe

Auditum quod spiritus turbas facerent, inter quos fuerunt qui Templa in mundo frequentarent et quovis sabbatho auscultarunt praedcationes, ut vix credi posset quod tales essent, inquisitum quae turba, et perspectum quod inquirerent cum furore ubi esset Dominus, et putabatur quod ibi aut ibi esset, illuc ruerunt, et aliquem spiritum quem credebant esse Dominum inde detraxerunt, et conati sunt illum misere tractare, volentes omni nisu trucidare, hoc fecerunt cum furore, et diu; et postea inquisiverunt ubi aliquis esset qui agnosceret Dominum, et qui id se facere dicebat, illum trucidare volebant, sic pergebant ab uno ad alterum; ita testatum factum est quod Christiani hodie pejores Judaeis fuerint; erant Benzelstiernor, et plures alii.

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