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《灵界经历》 第5977节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5977

5977. That prayers do nothing unless there is a right life

I know this from the experience of two: Rosenstolpe 1and Fred[erik] Gyllenb[org]. The latter because he had displayed piety in his youth, subsequently prayed as he had done before. He believed that he could obtain everything through prayers. Consequently, to obtain what he wanted he prayed to the Father in many situations and often. A response also came, from a certain spirit, but in spite of this he immediately returned to his plots and plans to do evil. And what he sought so many times was that he might be permitted to do this, but in vain, because as he was not heard. He was then sent down as befitted his life.


1. See footnoted information on him in passage 5863.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5977


This is from experience of two - Rosenstolpe and Frederic Gyllenborg. Inasmuch as the latter inclined to piety in his youth, he afterwards engaged in prayers, as formerly, and believed [that] he could have obtained everything through prayers. Wherefore, also, he frequently prayed to the Father, in many different circumstances, in order to obtain what he wished. Reply was also made by a certain spirit; but, yet, he immediately [returned] to his plots and his purpose of doing evil; and that he might be allowed to do this was what he sought so often. But in vain, because [his petition] was not attended to. To that he was afterwards brought, according to his life.

Experientiae Spirituales 5977 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5977. Quod preces nihil faciant nisi vita sit

Hoc ab experientia duorum, Rosenstolpe et Fredr. Gyllenb. hic quia in juventute pietatem praetulit, is dein in orationibus fuit ut prius, et credidit [quod] omnia potuisset obtinere per preces, quare multis vicibus et frequenter oravit Patrem ut obtineret quod vellet, respondebatur etiam a quodam spiritu, sed usque statim ad sua machinamenta et animum faciendi malum [rediit], et hoc ut liceret facere, erat quod toties periit, sed incassum quia non auditum ille dein secundum suam vitam delatus est.

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