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《灵界经历》 第5979节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5979

5979. Adultery with a Maternal Aunt

A maternal aunt came up who [lived in the family's estate near] F[alun] in Sweden, and those who were in that society said that they immediately became aware of adultery with my anus and they complained; and a certain devil was arousing this adultery down below. Then she was made known. And this went on for the space of an hour. It was adultery from the back side, at the end of the medulla spinalis, where they wanted to enter. This adultery, (which I also had perceived earlier), it was then said, corresponded to adultery with a maternal aunt. They said that those who did this were those who had totally convinced themselves that all sins are forgiven them by the holy supper, and yet they lead an evil life.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5979


An aunt came up who [was] F. in Sweden; and those who were in that society stated that they were immediately sensible of sodomy - adulterium cum meo - being perpetrated on me, and complained about it; a certain devil also excited that form of adultery below. She was then exposed and this lasted for the space of an hour. The adultery was at the hinder part, at the extremity of the spinal marrow, where they wished to enter. It was then stated, that this adultery, which I had also perceived previously, answered to adultery with an aunt. They said that those [who perpetrate it] were such persons as have completely confirmed themselves in the belief that, through the Holy Supper, all sins are forgiven them, and yet have led an evil life.

Experientiae Spirituales 5979 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5979. Adulterium cum Matertera

Ascendit matertera quae F in Sweden, 1

et dicebant illi qui in societate illa, quod sentirent statim adulterium cum ano meo, et conquesti sunt, et quidam diabolus excitabat id adulterium infra, tunc manifestabatur illa, et hoc per horulae spatium perstabat, erat adulterium a parte posteriore, ad finem medullae spinalis, ubi volebant intrare, hoc adulterium, quod etiam prius perceperam, dicebatur tunc quod corresponderet adulterio cum matertera. Dixerunt quod illi essent qui se prorsus confirmaverunt quod omnia peccata remissa eis sint per sacram coenam, et usque vitam malam egerunt. 2


1. fortasse domicilium familiae Swedberg prope Fahlun (Doc. I, p. 82)

2. Line across the page

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