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《灵界经历》 第5980节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5980

5980. About the King of France the 13 day of Dec. 1759

Louis XIV, who had been King of France for some time, suddenly passed beneath me and descended by a flight of steps to a place below and a little to the front and spoke with me from there, [saying] that there was a Versailles there entirely as it was in his time, likewise a grove in front. Rooms were shown to me up close, just as they had been. In a word, it was now entirely like Versailles as it was at that time and is at the present day. And then it was realized that he had fallen asleep as it were, and then there was quiet around him everywhere, as when they would watch over him in sleep lest he awake.

[2] I too and those around me too were similarly silent, for about 2 hours. After he woke up he spoke with me and said that he was with the king of France reigning at the present day and has urged him on various occasions to desist from the bull Unigenitus which he had presented to Parliament. He told some of the things he spoke about with him when he was with him, and that he entirely desisted; and that otherwise misfortune would have befallen. And he said that he also showed himself in a vision to him briefly. He said that the king was at that time lying in bed. This happened 1759 on the 13th of December, roughly around eight o'clock.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5980


Louis XIV., who had been king of France a long time ago, suddenly went under me, and descended by means of ladders to a place below me, a little towards the front, and spoke to me from thence, saying, that Versailles was there, exactly such as it was [in France] in his time; a park, moreover, in front. Chambers, as it were, were indistinctly seen by me. In a word, it was then altogether like Versailles, exactly as it was at that time, and is at the present day. And then it was perceived that he fell as it were into a sleep and there was then silence around him everywhere, like as when they watched over him in sleep, lest he should be awaked. I also, and those about me, were in a similar silence, and this for about two hours. Afterwards, having awakened, he told me that he had spoken to the now reigning king of France, and that he exhorted him, in various ways, to desist from the Bull Unigenitus, which he has laid before Parliament. He told me some things which he said to him, amongst others that he must entirely abandon it, and that unless he did so misfortune would befall him; and also he showed himself to him, in a vision, for a short time. He stated that [the king] was reposing in bed at the time. This happened in 1759, on the 13th day of December, near about the eighth hour.

Experientiae Spirituales 5980 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5980. De Rege Galliae die 13 Dec. 1759

Ludowicus XIV, qui diu fuerat Rex Galliae, subito ibat sub me, et descendebat per scalas ad locum infra me paulo antrorsum2, et inde loquebatur mecum, quod ibi esset Versaillis prorsus quale fuit tempore illius, pariter lucus ante, visa paulo mihi conclavia sicut fuerant, verbo erat tunc prorsus sicut Versalies plane quale tunc et hodie est; et tunc perceptum quod veniret quasi in somnum, et tunc tacitum erat circum illum ubivis, sicut cum vigilarent super illo ut in somno ne evigilaretur, eram etiam ego et qui circum me in simili tacito, et hoc per 2 circiter horas, postea evigilatus loquebatur mecum, quod loquutus sit cum rege Galliae hodie regnante, et hortaretur eum variis quod desisteret a bulla Unigeniti, quam coram Parlamento proposuit, aliqua dixit quae cum illo loquutus est, tum quod prorsus desisteret, et quod alioquin infortunium superveniret, et quoque se in visione ei paulisper ostendit, dicebat quod tunc se reposuerit in lecto; hoc factum est 1759, die 13 Dec. circa horam octavam circiter.

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