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《灵界经历》 第598节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 598

598. About spirits properly so called, who are not demons, but are speaking ones

Spirits properly so called are only those who love to speak and are mediums of the speech of many. These are also divided up into kinds and species, as well as into classes. They want to be called intelligence, or knowledge, and think they are the only ones who know, indeed who control all things, each in a different way. At each level there are such spirits, to whom pertain the spiritual matters; yet they think little, although they believe they think more than others. But I cannot as yet enumerate the different kinds among them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 598


Properly speaking, spirits are those who only love to speak, and who are the subjects of the speech of many others. They are also distinguished into genera and species, likewise into classes. They wish to be called intelligences or knowledges, and suppose that they are the only ones who know, yea, who govern all things, each in a different way. In every degree there are such spirits, and there are their spiritual [subjects]. They think little, however, although they suppose that they think more than others. But I cannot as yet recount their differences.

Experientiae Spirituales 598 (original Latin 1748-1764)

598. De spiritibus proprie, qui sunt non genii, sed loquentes

Spiritus proprie sunt ii qui solum amant loqui, et qui sunt loquelae plurium subjecta, ii quoque in genera et species, tum in classes distincti sunt, vocari volunt intelligentiae, seu scientiae, et putant soli esse, qui sciunt, imo qui regunt omnia, cum differentia; in quolibet gradu dantur tales, spiritualia eorum sunt 1

, sed ii parum cogitant, licet se plus aliis cogitare putant, sed differentias eorum recensere adhuc non possum.


1. hoc est iis pertinent

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