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《灵界经历》 第599节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 599

599. It is remarkable how, when something comes up, such as if anything occurs in the other life, they then immediately think they know what it is, and speak as though they know, saying it is this or it is that and describing it as if they knew all about it. This they do one after the other, each differently, so that they form different opinions about the things that occur and touch any one of their senses, at once convincing themselves that it is as they say. Many spoke with conviction, one after the other, about one and the same object. They also love to lead me, when I am writing. 1748, 30 January.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 599

599. It is remarkable that when any object arises, as when anything happens in the other life, they then at once suppose that they know what it is, and talk as if they knew it; they say that it is this or that, and describe it as if they knew all about it, one after the other, and each differently. Thus they are those who hold various opinions about the things which happen and which move any of their senses, and they at once persuade themselves that it is so. Many have spoken in succession about one and the same object with persuasion. They also love to lead me when I am writing. 1748, Jan. 30.

Experientiae Spirituales 599 (original Latin 1748-1764)

599. Mirum est, quando aliquid objectum subit, ut si in altera vita aliquid contingit, tunc statim putant se scire quid est, et loquuntur tanquam id sciunt, et dicunt esse id, esse illud, et describunt sicut scirent prorsus, sic unus post alterum, aliter, ita sunt qui opinantur varie de rebus quae contingunt, et aliquem sensum eorum movent, et sibi illico persuadent quod tale sit; plures successive de uno eodemque objecto cum persuasione loquuti sunt; amant etiam ducere me, quando scribo. 1748, 30 Jan.

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