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《灵界经历》 第597节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


有些恶灵也会激发人们长时间地坐在厕所里,在那里停留超过规定时间的乐趣;因为魔鬼特别喜欢厕所,正如你前面所看到的(377, 414节)。

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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 597

597. About the burning desire of spirits

There are spirits who are easily enkindled with desire, so that they become exceedingly impatient, and seemingly burn with a desire, and in fact, for something of no use to them. One even admitted this, since it happened now and then that I burned with the desire of possessing and buying this or that, and realized that it was not I who was thus burning with longing, but that it was spirits. They spoke with me, confirming their desire, and saying that they could hardly exist if they did not obtain those things. Their desire persists a long time, sometimes even until I have acquired them. In fact, this happens even with those who know that the items they want are of no use to them, but only to me, as I also showed them. One said that he knew this, but still could not desist. The yearning for those things is inflamed by many other spirits of the same kind who are in society together, for whom they act as intermediaries with the person on earth. So that I might understand this better, that desire was changed within me in an instant, which was caused by the fact that different spirits had then taken over.

Thus it is spirits who arouse desires, longings, and such, as has happened with me so often that I cannot number the times. And so there are demons through whom the Lord governs people and allows them to be aroused, for various reasons, both for the purpose of punishment and for the purpose of their uplifting. 1748, 29 January.

There are evil spirits who even arouse that pleasure of sitting for a long time in toilets, and staying there beyond the required time; for devils delight exceedingly in toilets, as you may see mentioned previously [377, 414].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 597


There are spirits who are easily kindled with cupidity, so that they thence become extremely impatient and as it were burn with cupidity, and this without having any use for the things desired, as also one of them confessed. Thus it has happened now and again that I burned with the cupidity of possessing and of buying this thing or that. I perceived that it was not I who so burned or desired, but that it was the spirits who spoke with me and testified their cupidity to the extent that they say that they can scarcely exist unless they obtain those things. Their cupidity lasts a long time, sometimes indeed until I have obtained [what they wanted]. This is even the case with those who know that the things they desire are of no use to them but only to me; which I have also represented to them; and one of them said that he knows this, but that he is nevertheless unable to desist. Their cupidity is kindled by many others who are similar in the general society, of whom those who are with man are the proximate subjects. And in order that I might know this more fully that cupidity was also changed with me in a moment, which was caused by the fact that other spirits had succeeded in their place. Thus there are spirits who excite cupidities and lusts and the like. This has happened to me so often that I cannot number the times. Thus there are genii through whom the Lord governs men, and He permits them to excite men for many reasons, both for the sake of punishment and for the sake of the removal of evils. 1748, Jan. 29. There are evil spirits who also excite the pleasure of sitting a long time in privies, and of staying there beyond a stated time; for devils are especially delighted with privies, as you may see above [nos. 377, 414.

Experientiae Spirituales 597 (original Latin 1748-1764)

597. De cupiditate spirituum ardenti

Sunt spiritus, qui facile accenduntur cupiditate, sic ut inde fiant summopere impatientes, et quasi cupiditate ardeant, et quidem absque usu pro iis, sicut etiam unus fassus est, ut passim contigit, quod cupiditate arderem possidendi emendique haec aut illa; percepi, quod ego non ita ardescerem seu concupiscerem, sed quod spiritus essent, qui mecum loquuti et testati sunt suam cupiditatem, sic ut dicant se vix posse esse, nisi obtineant ea, cupiditas eorum perstat diu, usque quandoque, dum obtinuerim, et quidem etiam ii qui sciunt quod ea, quae cupiunt, non sint iis alicui usui, sed solum mihi, quod etiam iis repraesentavi, et unus dixit, quod id sciat, sed usque quod non desistere queat: cupiditas eorum accenditur a pluribus aliis, qui in communi societate sunt similes, quorum haec sunt proxima subjecta, quae penes hominem sunt, utque id eo melius scirem, etiam cupiditas ista mutata est penes me momento, quod factum inde, quod alii tunc successerint: ita sunt spiritus qui excitant cupiditates, et concupiscentias, et similia, hoc tam saepe mihi contigit, ut vices numerare non possim, sunt genii itaque per quos Dominus regit homines, et permittit ut excitentur, ex pluribus causis, tam propter punitionem, quam propter eorum ablationem. 1748, 29 Jan. Sunt mali spiritus, qui etiam excitant voluptate ista diu sedendi in sentinis, et ibi morandi ultra tempus statum, diaboli enim delectantur summopere sentinis, ut videas prius [377, 414].

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