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《灵界经历》 第5981节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5981

5981. About the Possessors

There are many spirits who want to possess others, and when they discover other spirits who want to do this, they fill them and as it were enter into their whole body and thus possess them entirely. They act through others, they speak through them, and the women who are possessed shake as if insane.

[2] This was seen in the case of a woman who went to a place where there was an abundance of spirits who take possession of a person's mind. It was in the northern quarter, and she was filled and virtually raved, and she flung herself all around and screamed, imagining it came from herself. The spirits who take possession of a person's mind were also seen to leave through her lower parts. There are many kinds of possessing spirits. Those who more than the rest are possessing spirits are those who want to capture the minds of others by entering into their affections. Those who were able to do this and became possessing spirits in the highest degree are those such as General Liewen 1and those similar to him. They are all sensual and corporeal, although they do not appear in outward form as such. In addition to this, all those who desire to possess [other's minds] are so sensual that they can scarcely be drawn away from natural things.


1. Possibly Carl Gustaf von Liewen, 1722-1770. A Swedish government official.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5981


There are many spirits who wish to obsess others, and when they find other spirits who desire this, they possess them, and, as it were, enter their whole body, and thus completely obsess them, act through them, speak through them, and those who are obsessed tremble violently as though insane. This was observed in a woman, who went to a place where there are obsessors in great numbers. It was in the northern quarter and she was possessed, and, as it were, raved, and flung herself about in every direction, and shouted out, supposing it all from herself. The obsessors were also seen to depart through her lower parts. There are many kinds of obsessors. Those obsessors who aim at enslaving the minds of others by a mode of entering into their affections, surpass all the rest. Those who aim at, and have practiced this, are obsessors in the greatest degree; such as General Lieven and his like. These are all sensual and corporeal, although they do not appear so in outward form. Moreover, all those are in the desire of obsessing who are so sensual that they can be withdrawn from natural things only with great difficulty.

Experientiae Spirituales 5981 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5981. De Obsessoribus

Sunt multi spiritus qui volunt obsidere alios, et illi dum inveniunt alios spiritus qui id volunt, implent illos et quasi intrant in totum eorum corpus, et sic prorsus obsident, agunt per illos, loquuntur per illos, et quae obsessae agitant sicut insanae; hoc visum est in una faemina, quae ad illum locum ivit ubi obsessores sunt in copia; erat in plaga septentrionali, et illa implebatur et quasi furebat, et circumjecit se undequaque, et clamavit putans a se; obsessores visi etiam exire per inferiora ejus. Sunt plura genera obsessorum; illi prae reliquis obsessores sunt, qui aliorum animos volunt captare per modum intrandi in eorum affectiones, qui hoc potuerant et fecerunt obsessores in gradu maximo sunt, prout General Liewen, et similes; sunt omnes illi sensuales et corporei, tametsi non apparent tales in externa forma: praeterea omnes illi obsidere cupiunt, qui ita sensuales sunt, ut aegre abstrahi possint a naturalibus.

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