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《灵界经历》 第5985节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5985

5985. About faith separated from charity

There were some (Kalsen and others) who had faith alone, who when they heard that there is no faith alone and that it is a harmful heresy, wanted to prove, using specious arguments, that faith produces charity, that is, good works, and that in the meantime nothing evil is imputed [to the person who has faith] because the person has been justified. This heresy is like a marriage with a hermaphrodite. And, it inflicted pain on my left side around the loins; it attacked the nerves there, an injury that makes a person almost unable to get up and walk.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5985


There are some who have been in faith alone - Kalsen[ius] and others - who, when they have heard that there is no such thing as faith alone, and that [that doctrine] is a damnable heresy, have wished to prove by reasonings that faith produces charity or good works, and that, meanwhile, no evil is ascribed to one [who possesses faith], because he is justified. This heresy answered to conjunction, as it were conjugial, with a hermaphrodite. And it also inflicted pain on the left side about the loins, and consequently infested the nerves there; an injury which renders a man almost unable to walk and get up.

Experientiae Spirituales 5985 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5985. De fide separata a charitate

Fuerunt qui in sola fide fuerunt, Kalsen. et alii, qui cum audiverunt solam fidem non dari, et esse damnosam haeresin, voluerunt per ratiocinationes concludere quod fides producat charitatem seu bona opera, et quod interea nihil mali imputetur, quia justificatus, haec haeresis respondebat conjunctioni quasi conjugiali cum hermaphrodita. Et quoque dolorem incutiebat sinistro lateri circa lumbos, ita infestabat nervos ibi, ex quo malo homo vix potest gradiri 1

et surgere.


1. = gradi

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