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《灵界经历》 第600节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 600

600. About a collective glorification in the heavens

For quite a long time I was kept in a broad vision, which almost withdrew me from personal ideas, or those on the bodily plane. There appeared a kind of lively sparkling of light nearby, like the light of diamonds, and this continued for quite a long time. I cannot describe that light in any other way, for it was very general, and it drew me away from ideas on the bodily plane, in fact, from the body. When I was in it, then I was looking at bodily things as if below me, and I did feel them, but as if remote from me and not belonging to me, and thus not being part of me.

Several times, the spirits and demons said that I was absent from them, and that they did not know where I was, nor what I was thinking. They complained that because of this, I was being removed from them, and thus the gladness which they had felt from speaking with me, and from being one with me through direct communication, had passed away.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 600


For quite a time I was kept in a general vision which almost withdrew me from particular or corporeal ideas. There appeared, as it were, a vivid sparkling of light nearby, as though it were an adamantine light, and this for quite a time. I am unable to describe that light in any other manner, for it was general, and it withdrew me from corporeal ideas, indeed, from the body. When I was in it, I regarded corporeal things as beneath me; I indeed felt them but as if they were removed from, and did not pertain to me, thus as not communicating with me. The spirits and genii sometimes said that I was absent from them, and they did not know where I was, nor what I was thinking. They complained that I was thus removed from them, for the pleasure they had in speaking with me, and being one with me by immediate communications, perished.

Experientiae Spirituales 600 (original Latin 1748-1764)

600. De gloriatione communi in coelis

Diu satis detentus sum in visione communi, quae paene abduxit me ab ideis particularibus, seu corporeis, apparuit quasi scintillatio viva lucis contigua 1

, quasi lux adamantina, et hoc satis diu, istam lucem non possum describere aliter, nam communis erat, et abduxit me ab ideis corporeis, imo a corpore; quando in illa essem, tunc spectabam corporea tanquam infra me, quae quidem sentiebam, sed sicut remota a me, et ad me non pertinentia, sic mecum non communicantia, dicebant spiritus et genii, aliquoties, quod abessem ab illis, et nescirent 2

ubinam essem, et quid cogitarem; conquesti, quod sic removerer ab iis, sic periit eorum laetitia, quam habuerunt mecum loquendi 3

, et unum esse mecum per communicationes immediatas.


1. The Manuscript has lucis qs, contigua; J.F.l. in Tafel's edition: "lucis pro lucis se"

2. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition Manuscript nescirem

3. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition loquuti

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