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《灵界经历》 第5996节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5996

5996. About a cadaverous stench from the violation of marriage, thus from such adultery, Ehrenpr[eus] 1, and concerning profanation

Wherever he came into the aura surrounding me, he stank like a cadaver, and I asked where this came from and indeed gathered from his personal confession that he had a lust for violating marriages, persuading [wives] that it was nothing sinful. Especially rooted in him was the passion for persuading and enticing these women to adultery who otherwise would have been chaste. Also, he had committed this crime where he was able to do so without loss of reputation and where nothing of the affair would pass to his wife. Such violators are in the cadaverous hell. However, he stank mostly from the fact that when young he had properly loved his wife and loathed adulteries and had gone later into the reverse and approved adulteries, from which there was a profanation of marriage love; and this was the chief source of that stench. Two times he was hurled into the hell where violators are, and they recognized him immediately. When he looked at anyone he brought indescribably atrocious spirits behind and at the side. Using fantasies they led out the semblance of a wife, in an endeavor to rape her, horrible.

[2] This stench arose later, as often Fred[erik] Gyllenborg 2was along, the reason -


1. Count Carl Ehrenpreus (1692ֱ760) an assessor and councilor in the high court of appeal, esteemed for his judicial ability.

2. See footnoted information on him in passage 4740.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5996


Whithersoever he went within the sphere surrounding me, he stank like a corpse, and inquiry was made whence this arose; and it was ascertained, even from his own confession, that his lust had been to violate marriages by inducing the persuasion that there was no sin in so doing; and especially did there dwell in him the lust of persuading and enticing to adulteries those women who otherwise would be chaste. He had also perpetrated this, wherever he could do so without loss of reputation and where nothing of the affair could transpire to his wife. Such violators are in the cadaverous hell. But especially his stench arose from the fact, that, when a young man, he had loved his wife well and detested adulteries, but had passed into the contrary afterwards and approved adulteries and from this there was profanation of conjugial love. Hence, chiefly, that stench. He was also twice cast into the hell where the violators are, and they acknowledged him at once. When he looked upon any one, he brought forth execrable spirits at the back and side, who, by means of phantasies, presented, as it were, the abomination of a wife in the act of whoredom.

This stench occurred afterwards as often as he was along with Frederic Gyllenborg; the reason -

Experientiae Spirituales 5996 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5996. De putore cadaveroso ex violatione conjugii, ita ex tali adulterio, Ehrenpr. et de prophanatione Ille quocunque vadit intra sphaeram circum me, putebat sicut cadaver, et inquisitum unde hoc, et compertum etiam ex propria confessione, quod cupiditas ejus fuerit violare conjugia, persuadendo quod id nihil peccati esset, et imprimis insidebat cupido persuadendi et pelliciendi ad adulteria illas quae alioquin castae essent; patraverat etiam id, ubi potuit absque jactura famae, et ubi nihil de ea re transiret ad uxorem; violatores tales sunt in inferno cadaveroso; sed maxime putebat ex eo, quod dum juvenis amaverit bene uxorem, et detestatus adulteria, et quod postea in contrarium ivisset, et approbaverit adulteria, unde prophanatio amoris conjugialis, inde praecipue ille putor; conjectus etiam est ad infernum ubi violatores, bis, et agnoverunt eum statim. Ille cum inspectabat aliquem, producebat spiritus nefandos, a tergo et a latere, qui per phantasias educebant quasi uxorem, in conatu stuprandi, nefandum.

[2] Hic putor obveniebat postea, quoties cum Fred. Gyllenborg simul erat, causa -

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