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《灵界经历》 第5997节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5997

5997. The simple understand things the wise do not

In the exposition of the book of Revelation I have written some things that are matters of inward intelligence, as for instance about the heavenly, spiritual, and natural person, and about goods and truths in [their respective] order. 1When I began there was a certain wife who had lived mitt pa Tifwla Bodarna 2, with whom I spoke. She had a simple faith that came from the heart; she understood everything clearly, but a learned man who was there did not understand, indeed was unable to understand. This is the case with many.


1. Apocalypse Revealed 774.

2. Swedish for "in the middle of the Tifwla shops"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5997


I have written in the Explication on the Apocalypse, some things which belong to the interior intelligence; as, for example, respecting the celestial, spiritual, and natural man, and respecting goods and truths in their order. A certain married woman, who had lived in the inn with Tisula Bodama, 1with whom I conversed when I had finished, was in simple faith from the heart. She understood everything clearly. But a learned man who was there did not understand, - indeed, could not understand. It was so with many.


1. Swedish, midt pa Tisula Bodama.

Experientiae Spirituales 5997 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5997. Quod simplices intelligant quae non sapientes

Scripsi in explicatione super Apocalypsin aliqua quae interioris intelligentiae sunt, ut de coelesti, spirituali, et naturali homine, ac de bonis et veris in ordine, quaedam uxor quae vixerat in diversorio mitt pa Tifwla Bodarna, 1

cum qua cum profectus sum, loquutus sum, illa in simplici fide ex corde erat, illa intelligebat omnia clare, at eruditus ibi non intellexit, imo non potuit intelligere, ita res est cum pluribus.


1. = in medio tabernarum Tifwlae (verga suecica)

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