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《灵界经历》 第5998节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5998

5998. How in the case of the good, evils and falsities are removed and goods and truths instilled, and the converse

It was quite often observed that spirits are led along various routes and into various places before they come to their corresponding place, and through actual experience I was subsequently instructed that the evil are led to good societies with which they had communication in the world by truths of the Word they possessed and that they cannot exist there and they leave with aversion. As a result their connection with them is broken, and after this they are brought to evil societies with which they are delighted and unite themselves. In consequence, true and good things are taken away and evil and false things are seized on until at length they come into their dominant love. Conversely good [spirits] are brought to societies that are not good, in the case of which, since they do not fit, they withdraw and so are separated from them. Then they are brought to various good societies and are joined to them. When they go away from these they are in association with them until they come into their own dominant affection. This was shown to me in the case of a certain woman who was in a house where there were good women of various kinds with whom she did not remain but in spite of this acquired a way of communicating with them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5998


I observed that spirits are led through various ways and into various places, before they arrive at their fitting place; and I was afterwards instructed by living experience that the evil are led to good societies with which, by means of truths of the Word which were with them, they have had communication in the world also, that they are unable to remain there, and depart with aversion. Consequently, those societies are freed from them. And they are afterwards brought to evil societies, with which they are charmed; and with these they conjoin themselves. Thus, truths and goods are removed, and evils and falses procured, until, at length, they come into their reigning love. The good, on the other hand, are brought to societies not good, from which, since they do not accord, they withdraw, and so are separated from them. They are then brought to various good societies, and with them they are conjoined. When they depart from these they are in conjunction with them, and so continually until they come into their reigning affection. This was seen by me in the case of a certain woman who was in a house where were good women of various kinds, with whom she did not remain, but still acquired a communication with them.

Experientiae Spirituales 5998 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5998. Quomodo removentur mala et falsa, et insinuantur bona et vera apud bonos et vicissim

Observatum saepius quod spiritus ducantur per varias vias et in varia loca, antequam ad suum locum correspondentem veniunt, et postea per vivam experientiam instructus sum, quod mali ducantur ad societates bonas cum quibus communicationem habuerunt in mundo per vera Verbi apud eos, et quod ibi non possint esse, et discedant cum aversatione, inde solvuntur ab illis, et postea feruntur ad societates malas, quibus delectantur, cum quibus se conjungunt, ita vera et bona auferuntur, et mala et falsa arripiuntur, usque tandem cum venit in amorem regnantem; vicissim boni, feruntur ad societates non bonas, cum quibus cum non conveniunt, discedunt, et sic ab illis separantur; tunc feruntur ad societates bonas varias, et cum illis conjunguntur, cum abeunt ab illis, in conjunctione cum illis sunt, ita usque dum in affectionem suam regnantem veniunt, hoc mihi visum est cum quadam, quae in domo erat ubi bonae varii generis, cum quibus non mansit, sed usque cum illis communicationem nacta est.

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