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《灵界经历》 第5999节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5999

5999. Libraries in heaven

I was admitted into a Library where there were a great number of books. The books there were not shown to me, but [people] spoke with me. They said that were books there from the ancients, written using correspondences. Deeper within other Libraries were books written by those who were from the ancient Churches; and still more deeply within, books [written] for the most ancient, from whom the community called Enoch had collected the correspondences that were afterwards of service to those who were in succeeding Churches, which will be called the ancient Churches. There was an enormous number who studied the books, and some of them become learned, many intelligent, and others wise. Places, that is to say, repositories, for use in Libraries for deeper matters appeared in brighter and brighter light, but in a dimmer light to me and to them because we were not capable of penetrating the matters of wisdom that are there; and besides, for various reasons permission to enter is not given those who are taken up with outward things. The places there were divided into many [sections], according to the propensities of those who studied there.

[2] There are also Libraries elsewhere in the heavens, but not public ones as in that place. In the heavens those who are studious have communication with those in these Libraries for the public and receive information from them in regard to matters in question.

[3] On the left at a distance there are also Libraries, divided likewise into repositories. There are a great number, corresponding to the various branches of study and the learning in them. Those who pursue theological matters study their own doctrinal teachings; nevertheless from there they are led to accepting doctrinal teaching in other ways, for they are gradually bent to what is truer. But most do not come to the level of understanding, but rather to the level called knowing, which they themselves also admit.

[4] At the side there are those who don't study in such a way that they become intelligent and wise through study but base their thinking on what they have drawn from objects and from the sciences and are not interested in reading books, and choose to read books that are of service merely to the memory, such as lexicons and collections of information that are of use to the memory alone. They are given the ability to think, and it is given to them by the Lord to comprehend what things mean and to arrive at a conclusion regarding many things that are matters of understanding. The reason is that they do not have a memory like that of others, but instead of this they have thought. Etc. etc.

[5] Those from the present day were examined as to whether they could comprehend and so believe that there are books and Libraries in the spiritual world, and scarcely any of the learned was able.

It was said that they have there very many things from the ancients regarding correspondences, and explanations of the Word through its inner meaning; and also that the most ancient sages were in the innermost rooms there.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5999


I was admitted into a Library where was a great number of books. Those who were there, were not visible to me, but yet conversed with me. They said that there were there books of the Ancients, written by correspondences. In the interior of other libraries were books written by those who were of the Ancient Churches; and, still further in the interior, books for the Most Ancients, wherefrom the communion called Enoch had collected the correspondences which were afterwards of service to those who were in succeeding Churches; which are to be styled the Ancient Churches. There was a vast number who studied the books; and some of them become learned, many, intelligent, and others, wise. There appeared places, or repositories, more and more bright, for interior Libraries - but to me and to them, in a dimmer light, because we were incapable of penetrating those depths of wisdom which are there; and, besides, those who are in exteriors are not allowed to enter into the interior parts for various reasons. The places in these libraries were divided into many [repositories], according to the faculties of those who studied.

And there are also Libraries in the heavens elsewhere, but not public ones, as in that place. In the heavens, those who study also have a communication with those in those public libraries, and are instructed from thence in matters of doubt.

Also, at a distance to the left, are Libraries, likewise divided into repositories and they are in great number, according to all the varieties of studies and hence of learning. Those who pursue theology, study their own doctrinals, but still are thence led to perceive the doctrinals in a different manner for they are bent, by degrees, to truer conceptions. But the bulk of those there do not arrive at intelligence, but at learning, as also they themselves confessed.

At the side, are those who do not study in this way in order to become intelligent and wise by studies, but reflect from those things which they have imbibed through outward objects and sciences; and who, therefore, do not care to read books, like those who choose only books which serve the mere memory such as dictionaries and summaries, which are for the memory alone. It is granted these to think and it is given them by the Lord to apprehend what things signify; and it is granted them to arrive at many conclusions which pertain to intelligence. The reason is, because they have not such a memory as the others have but, for them, there is thought.

Those who were of the moderns were explored as to whether they can receive, and hence believe, that there are books and Libraries in the spiritual world and scarcely one of the learned was able. It was stated that they had there, from the Ancients, very many things respecting correspondences, and explanations of the Word by means of the internal sense; and that the most ancient sages, there, were in the inmost rooms.

Experientiae Spirituales 5999 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5999. Bibliothecis in coelo

Admissus sum in Bibliothecam, ubi erat magnus numerus librorum, illi qui ibi erant non mihi visi sunt, sed usque loquuti mecum, dicebant, quod ibi essent Libri ex antiquis, scripti per correspondentias, interius in aliis Bibliothecis erant libri scripti ab illis qui ab antiquis Ecclesiis; et adhuc interius libri pro antiquissimis, a quibus societas Enoch vocata collegerat correspondentias, quae inserviverunt postea illis qui in Ecclesiis postea, quae Ecclesiae antiquae vocandae; erat ingens numerus qui studebant libris, et quidam ex illis eruditi fiunt, plures intelligentes, et alii sapientes. Apparebant loca seu cimelia pro interioribus Bibliothecis lucidiora et lucidiora, sed mihi et illis luce obscuriore, quia non capaces intrandi in illa sapientiae quae ibi: et quoque non datur venia illis qui in exterioribus sunt, intrandi in interiora, ex variis causis: loca ibi distincta sunt in plura secundum facultates eorum qui studebant.

[2] Sunt etiam in coelis alibi etiam Bibliothecae sed non publicae sicut ibi, in coelis qui etiam student communicationem habent cum illis in publicis illis Bibliothecis, et instruuntur inde in rebus dubiis.

[3] Sinistrorsum ad distantiam etiam sunt Bibliothecae in cimelia quoque distinctae, et sunt magno numero secundum omnes varietates studiorum et eruditionis inde, illi qui in theologicis student suis doctrinalibus, sed usque inde ducuntur ad recipiendum doctrinalia aliter, nam flectuntur per gradus ad veriora; sed plerique ibi non ad intelligentiam veniunt, sed ad eruditionem, quod etiam ipsi fassi sunt.

[4] Sunt ibi ad latus qui non student, ita, ut per studia intelligentes et sapientes fiant, sed qui cogitant ex illis quae per objecta et per scientias hauserunt, et qui ideo non volunt legere libros, et qui solum libros eligunt qui merae memoriae inserviunt, sicut lexica et collectiones quae pro sola memoria; illis datur cogitare et a Domino datur illis appercipere quae significant, et datur concludere ad plura quae intelligentiae sunt: causa quia illis non memoria, qualis est liis, sed pro illa cogitatio. Etc. etc.

[5] Explorabantur illi qui ab hodiernis, num capere possint et inde credere quod libri et Bibliothecae sint in mundo spirituali, et vix aliquis ex eruditis potuit. Dicebatur quod ibi haberent ex antiquis perplura de correspondentiis, et explicationes Verbi per sensum internum; quodque antiquissimi sapientes ibi in intimis conclavibus essent.

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