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《灵界经历》 第601节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 601

601. Moreover, it seemed to me at that time that I was in that glory as to the head, but not as to the body - but in such a way that I was without a head, which had diffused itself into their common head, while the body was below that realm. From this it was granted me to learn how they who are in heaven are able to hear and see those things that come forth in the realm of spirits, namely, as being remote from them, and below them, nor are they allowed to see and know anything but what it pleases the Lord [to show them].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 601

601. Moreover, it then also seemed to me that I was in that glory with my head, but not with my body, but in such a way that I was without a head which diffused itself into their common sphere with the body beneath it. Hence it was granted me to know how those who are in heaven can hear and perceive the things that exist in the sphere of spirits, namely, as something removed from them and beneath them. It is not granted them to perceive and know anything else than what is well-pleasing to the Lord.

Experientiae Spirituales 601 (original Latin 1748-1764)

601. Praeterea tunc quoque mihi visum, quod in gloria ista essem capite, non corpore, sed ita, quod absque capite essem 1

, quod se in commune eorum diffundit, corpus autem infra eam sphaeram esset, inde scire concessum est, quomodo ii qui sunt in coelo, audire et percipere possunt ea, quae in spirituum sphaera existunt, nempe sicut remote ab iis, et infra eos, nec iis aliud percipere et scire datur, quam quod beneplacet Domino.


1. In the Manuscript esset in essem emendatum est vel forte vicissim

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