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《灵界经历》 第6021节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6021

6021. About the Lord, [a conversation] with the Mohammedans

Mohammedans are very averse to three persons of Divinity, because if this were the case there would be three gods. On this account when Christians and Mohammedans talk among themselves about God, the Mohammedans say that three persons make three gods. But when the Christians reply that for them there is one God, they are indignant and ask which of the three is truly God. Then certain of them reply that it is God the Father because He created the universe. The Mohammedans say that the two others are petty gods, and so are simply named. However, when they hear that they are equal they then withdraw and despise Christians as petty and possessing almost no judgment in spiritual matters.

[2] A certain one had a servant of the Mohammedan religion whom he too asked about God, saying what do you believe about Christ? He said that He is the Savior. Then what about God? He said that He is the creator and sustainer of the universe. And then he asked whether God saves. He said that He saved. What then did he believe about Christ, was He not God? He said that He was God. Then the master said that thus there are two. Then that servant departed saying that his master makes two gods and so he was not willing to be his servant. After a time the master understood that by Christ whom he called the savior, the servant meant God, the creator of the universe in regard to salvation, so the Same One and not another.

[3] Thus the Mohammedans who are saved acknowledge the Lord to be one with the Father; and they almost hold Christians in hatred because they make three gods.

The Jews similarly ridicule Christians, especially because they make three gods, when nevertheless everyone knows that God is one.

So too can Roman Catholics be ashamed that they have claimed Divine power to themselves.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6021


The Mohammedans are exceedingly averse to three persons in the Divinity, as thus there would be three gods. When, therefore, Christians and Mohammedans talk together about God, the latter say that Christians make three gods; but when the Christians reply that they have one God, the Mohammedans are indignant and demand which of the three is truly God. Then some reply that God the Father is, because He created the universe. The Mohammedans say that, in that case, the other two are inferior gods, and are merely so styled. But when they hear that the three are equal, they retire, and despise Christians as of little, and indeed of scarcely any, judgment in spiritual matters.

A certain one had a man-servant of the Mohammedan religion, whom he also questioned about God, saying, What do you believe about Christ? He answered, That He is the Savior. And what about God? He replied, That He is the Creator and upholder of the universe. He then inquired whether or no God saved. He said that He did save. What, then, did he believe about Christ - was He God, or not? He said, that He was God. Then he [i.e., the master] said that thus there are two [gods]. Then the servant left him, saying that he made two gods, therefore he was unwilling to be his servant. After a time, he [i.e., the Christian master] understood, that, by Christ, whom he called Savior, he [i.e. the Mohammedan servant] meant God the Creator as regards salvation: thus the same, and not another.

Thus Mohammedans who are saved acknowledge the Lord to be one with the Father, and almost hate Christians because they make three gods.

In like manner the Jews laugh at Christians; especially because they make three gods, when yet every one knows that God is one.

So, also, the Roman Catholics, ought to be ashamed that they have arrogated to themselves Divine power.

Experientiae Spirituales 6021 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6021. De Domino cum Mahumedanis

Mahumedani maxime aversantur tres persones Divinitatis, quia sic forent tres dii, quare cum inter se loquuntur Christiani et Mahumedani de Deo, dicunt hi quod tres deos faciant, at cum respondent quod illis unus Deus sit, indignantur, et quaerunt quis trium est vere Deus, tunc quidam respondent quod Deus Pater, quia creavit universum; dicunt, quod duo alteri sic sint parvi dii, et ita modo dicantur: cum autem audiunt quod sint aequales, recedunt, et Christianos contemnunt sicut parvi et fere nullius judicii in spiritualibus.

[2] Quidam habuit famulum ex Mahumedana religione, quem etiam de Deo interrogavit, dicens, quid credis de Christo? dixit quod sit Salvator, tum quid de Deo? dixit quod sit creator et sustentator, universi, tum interrogavit, annon Deus salvavit, dixit quod salvavit, quid tunc crederet de Christo, annon esset Deus, dixit quod esset Deus, tum dixit, quod sic sint duo, tunc famulus discessit dicens quod faciat duos deos, sic non volens ejus famulus esse; tempus postea intellexit, quod per Christum quem dixit salvatorem intellexerit Deum creatorem universi quoad salvationem, ita Eundem et non alium.

[3] Ita Mahumedani qui salvantur, agnoscunt Dominum unum cum Patre; et quod fere odio habeant Christianos quia tres deos faciunt.

Similiter Judaei subsannant Christianos, imprimis quia tres deos faciunt, cum tamen unusquisque scit quod sit unus Deus.

Sic etiam Catholici Romani possunt pudefieri quod sibi assumserint potestatem Divinam.

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