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《灵界经历》 第6020节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6020

6020. About the purification of societies after the last Judgment

1.) Evil societies assemble in places that have previously been razed, because the former way tends there. But subsequently up to several hundred, or thousands, of them are gathered together and taken away to their own hells. And this must go on until these places and those around are filled with good spirits; then the evil cannot be there any longer without feeling pain and so leave. I saw there was a society of Catholics where there was still a Pope, but only as their highest priest, and that they appeared to be naked. They all complained about this, but it was replied to them that this happens because those living nearby who have truths approach above and at the sides, and then from the inflow from them they appear naked, for the reason that they are devoid of truths and know scarcely anything and do not want to know. I was shown that they sit at a fireplace and talk among themselves, and neither read the Word nor desire to learn any truth, although truths make angelic wisdom, and wisdom makes happiness. It was said further that if they do appear clothed, it is not actually so but is a product of their imagination, which is granted to them. After this they began to feel great pain and longed to leave, and also did so; and certain of them were taken away, those being left behind who had some affection for truth and who engaged in some study, that is to say, work.

2) Societies are purified in various ways and in a thousand places, as for instance, by C[harles] XII: individuals of various natures and evils were brought to him, whom he arranged round about as if for a siege against an enemy, and they were then taken by force and carried off to their own places, so they went away to their own place or places.

3) It was shown to me that they are gathered on a plain to the number of some thousands, and then everyone is inspired with the desire and effort to go away by their own ways to the place destined for them, thus from instinct, although it appears to them as if they knew [where to go].

4) In other places societies are purified in other ways. For instance, a certain military commander enters a society and sees those who are to be taken away or expelled from it. He turns a baton on them, the kind commanders are accustomed to carry and hold in their hand when they are leading, and when he points it, then everyone at whom he points it is expelled. This is done in other ways too.

5) It is remarkable that when they must be separated, they appear together in societies, as if they were all in one place, although they are in different places. The reason for this is that at that time those who are alike are associated with each other, and so on. It is also remarkable that when those who have a similar nature come to a certain place, they do not know otherwise than that they are the same as those who had been there previously. Their tone of voice is even similar. But their state is changed when they leave this place.

6) Societies are also purified by evil [spirits] being sent there, from which a kind of fermentation results, about which above [2132, 5222, 5838].

7) Besides this they are separated in this way: wanton women, virtually sirens, who have learned to pretend feelings, use those feelings to inspire societies to commit or to want to commit evils. Separation is brought about in this way too.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6020


(1) Evil societies which have been destroyed, assemble in the former places, because the former way leads thither but they are afterwards collected to the number of several hundreds or thousands, and borne away to their hells; and this lasted until those places, and the surrounding ones, were filled with good spirits. Then, the evil are no longer able to be there, because they are distressed; and therefore they retire. It seemed to me, that there was a society of Catholics where there was still a Pope, but only as their high priest, and that they appeared naked. They all complained of this; but they were told, in reply, that this happens, because, above, and at the sides, neighboring [spirits] approach who are in truths, and then, by influx from these, they appear naked; for the reason that they are destitute of truths, and know scarcely anything, nor even wish to know. It was shown me that they sit at a fire-place, and talk together, and neither read the Word, nor wish to learn anything of truth, although truths constitute angelic wisdom and the happiness of the wise. It was further stated, that, if they were to appear clothed, it would not be so actually, but would arise from their delusion, which is permitted them. Afterwards, they began to be distressed and desired to depart, and also did depart, and some were taken away; those being left behind who were in any affection of truth, and those who were engaged in any study, or in works.

(2) Societies are purified in various ways, and in a thousand places; [for instance] by C[harles] XII: to him were conducted persons of various natures and evils, whom he posted round about, as if for a siege against an enemy; and they were then taken away and borne to their places, so that they departed to their own place, or places.

(3) It was shown me that they are collected on a plain, to the number of several thousands, and that there is then inspired into everyone of them the desire, along with an effort, to depart by their own ways to the places appointed them; thus it is from instinct, although, to them, it appears as if they knew.

(4) In other places, societies are purified in other ways: for instance, a certain military commander enters a society, and sees who is to be taken away, or expelled from it; towards these he turns a baton, such as commanders are wont to have, and which they hold in the hand when they go in advance; and when he turns it towards anyone, then is everyone to whom he has turned it expelled. Thus, too, it is done in other ways.

(5) It is wonderful, that, when they are to be separated, they appear together in societies as though they were in one place, although they are in different places: this is for the reason that likes are then associated with their likes; and so on. It is also wonderful, that those who are of a similar disposition, when they come to a particular place, know no other than that they are the same with those who were there before them they also have a similar tone in speech. But when they come to another place, their state is changed.

(6) Societies are also purified by evil persons being let in thither, whence arises a fermentation, as it were concerning which see above. 1

(7) They are also separated in this manner: lewd women, who are almost like sirens, and have learnt to produce simulated affections, institute a society, through affections, to perpetrate, or wish to perpetrate, evils. They are also separated in this way.


1. Nos. 5222, 5838; also, DP 25. -TR.

Experientiae Spirituales 6020 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6020. De purificatione societatum post ultimum Judicium

1) Societates malae conveniunt in locis prioribus, quae destructae, quia via prior tendit illuc, sed dein colliguntur ad aliquot centena, aut millia, auferuntur in sua inferna; et hoc perstabit usque dum loca illa, ac circumcirca implentur bonis spiritibus; tunc non amplius possunt ibi esse mali, quin anguntur, et sic recedant. Visum est mihi, quod societas ex Catholicis, ubi Papa adhuc erat, sed modo ut summus eorum sacerdos, quod apparerent nudi, omnes conquesti de eo, sed responsum est iis, quod hoc fiat, quia supra et [ad] latera adveniant accolae qui in veris sunt, et tunc ex influxu ab illis, appareant nudi, ex causa quia vacui sunt a veris, et vix aliquid sciant, nec scire velint, ostensum mihi quod sedeant ad focum et loquantur inter se, nec legant Verbum, nec volunt aliquid veri addiscere, tametsi vera faciunt sapientiam angelicam, et sapientia felicitatem; dictum porro, quod [si] appareant vestiti, non ita sit actualiter, sed ex eorum visione, quae conceditur, postea inceperunt angi, et cupiverunt discedere, et quoque discesserunt, et quidam ablati sunt, relictis qui in aliqua affectione veri fuerunt, et qui in aliquo studio seu opera.

2) Purificantur societates variis modis, et in mille locis, [ut] a C. XII, quod ad illum adducti fuerint ex variis naturis et malis, quos circumcirca disposuit sicut ad obsidionem contra hostem, et illi tunc ablati, et ad loca sua lati, ut in locum aut loca sua abirent.

3) Ostensum mihi quod colligantur in planitie ad aliquot millia, et quod tunc unicuivis inspiretur cupido cum conatu abeundi suis viis ad loca sibi destinata, ita ex instinctu, tametsi illis apparet, sicut scirent.

4) Aliis in locis aliter purificantur societates, sicut quod quidam praefectus in militia intret societatem ac videat illos qui inde auferendi seu abigendi sunt, ad quos vertit hastam, qualis esse solet praefectis, quam tenent in manu quum praecedunt; cumque obvertit illam, tunc abigitur quisque cui obvertit, ita quoque aliis modis.

5) Mirabile est, quod appareant una in societatibus, sicu simul essent, cum separandi sunt, tametsi alibi sunt, ex causa quia tunc similia similibus consociantur, et sic porro. Mirabile etiam est, quod qui similari genio sunt, dum veniunt ad certum locum, non sciunt aliter quam quod iidem sint cum illis qui ibi prius fuerunt, simili etiam tono loquelae sunt, sed mutatur eorum status cum alio veniunt.

6) Purificantur etiam societates per id quod mali illuc mittantur, unde quasi fermentatio, de qua supra [2132, 5222, 5838].

7) Etiam separantur eo modo, quod faeminae lascivae, quae paene sirenes, quae edoctae simulatas affectiones producere, inspirent per affectiones societatem ad mala patranda aut volenda, ita quoque separantur.

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