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《灵界经历》 第6037节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6037

6037. Falsities have no power against truths

It appears that those who are in the hells and also the evil in the spiritual World have great power, which is why in the Word they are called powerful, strong, men of war. But their power lies in the false beliefs of others, through the use of countless artful tricks, also through simulations of truth, etc. These are the source of temptations and many other things, from which they have the appearance of power.

There was a certain evil spirit who as a result of this believed that he had power in truths. It was Abr[aham] Schonst[rom] 1, and as a result of this confidence he wanted to overcome truths, on which account he threw himself contentiously into the truths in my works. But I considered what he was saying from the viewpoint of truths; as a consequence of this he became as it were totally dead, and lay in this way and was seen by many, and at the same time was most dreadfully tormented.


1. See footnoted information on him in passage 5887.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6037


It appears as if those who are in the hells, and the evil in the spiritual world, have great power; wherefore, in the Word, they are called powerful, mighty, strong, men of war; but their power is in the falsities of others, by means of countless arts, and feignings of truth, etc. Hence come temptations and many other things, from which the appearance of their power arises.

There was a certain evil spirit, who, owing to this, believed that he had power over truths. It was Abr[aham] Schons[rom]; and he wished, by reason of that confidence, to prevail against truth. On this account, he cast himself upon the truths which were with me; but I looked into his mouth, from truths, and thereupon he became altogether like one dead, and so lay, and was seen by many, and then, at the same time, was tormented most dreadfully.

Experientiae Spirituales 6037 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6037. Quod falsis nulla potentia sit contra vera

Apparet quod illis qui in infernis sunt, et malis in Mundo spirituali quod potentia magna sit, quare in Verbo vocantur potentes, validi, fortes, heroes, sed est potentia illorum in falsis aliorum, per innumeras artes, etiam per simulationes veri etc., inde tentationes ei plura alia, ex quibus apparentia potentiae illorum est.

- Erat quidam malus spiritus qui credidit ex eo, quod potentiam haberet in vera, erat Abr. Schonst. et ille voluit ex illa fiducia valere contra vera, quare in vera apud me se conjecit, sed inspexi in ejus os ex veris, inde ille factus est prorsus sicut mortuus, et sic jacuit et visus multis, etiam simul tunc dirissime cruciatus est.

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